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*iv'e always know about the Zodiac signs but little did I know how deep astrology goes... here's what I've learned thus far:

Zodiacs: we don't just have one sign, often we have multiple; sometimes we are missing signs or have a focus in certain ones. Our sun sign is our Zodiac- this represents our outermost self, our moon sign represents our innermost self & our rising sign represents our personality + approach to life. These signs show HOW we expresses ourselves.

Aries ♈️ -Strength, Courage, Sincerity. (I AM) fire sign
Taurus ♉️ -Endurance, Wisdom, Loyalty. (I HAVE) earth sign
Gemini ♊️ -Agility, Curiosity, Loquacity. (I THINK) air sign
Cancer ♋️ -Tenacity, Creativity, Sensitivity. (I FEEL) water sign
Leo ♌️ -Will, Loyalty, Generosity. (I WILL) fire sign
Virgo ♍️ -Communication, Caution, Helpfulness. (I ANALYZE) earth sign
Libra ♎️ -Balance, Justice, Creativity. (I BALANCE) air sign
Scorpio ♏️ -Tenancy, Trust, Passion. (I LUST) water sign
Sagittarius ♐️ -Sincerity, Optimism, Courage. (I SEE) fire sign
Capricorn ♑️ -Control, Patience, Endurance. (I USE) earth sign
Aquarius ♒️ -Independence, Altruism, Caution. (I KNOW) air sign
Pisces ♓️ -Intuition, Empathy, Wisdom. (I BELIEVE) water sign.

Houses: Show WHERE we express ourselves (signs)

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Houses: Show WHERE we express ourselves (signs). Sometimes we are missing houses= empty houses, these may mean we have less of a focus in these areas of life.

House 1- (I AM) Awareness of self: self image, appearance, outward personality, body, goals/projects, energy.
House 11- (I HAVE) Personal Resources: values, money, material possessions, security, skills, self worth, talents.
House 111- (I THINK) Immediate environment: learning, communication, siblings, mental activity, sinergy, social.
House IV- (I NURTURE) inner world: roots, family, connection, emotions, inner security, parents.
House V- (I CREATE) personal creativity: creativity, romance, children, passion, self expression, fun.
House VI- (I SERVE) daily life: health, work, animals, refinement, improvement, self improvement, services.
House VII- (I PARTNER) awareness of others: balance, relationships, family, one-one, marriage, partnership.
House VIII- (I CIRCULATE) shared resources: spiritual, healing, regeneration, transformation, redemption, sharing, sex, death, other people, letting go.
House IX-(I EXPLORE) expanded horizons: publishing, travel, wisdom, expanding, spirituality, studies, religion, law, high education, philosophy.
House X- (I ACHIEVE) otherworld: life path, public image, career, legacy, future, status, vocation, reputation, taking power.
House XI- (I ASPIRE) group contribution: Friends, visions, larger than self, community, groups, goals, aspirations.
House XII- (I DREAM) spiritual life: let go, universe, trust, process of life, solitude, intuitions, transcendence, self sabotage.

Planets: planets are energy centres of life experiences.
Sun- (outward self) creative energy
Moon- (inner self) emotions
Mercury- mentality, mind, communication, nerves, senses.
Venus- values, receptiveness, Intake, harmony.
Mars- action, self-projection, ambition, impulse.
Jupiter- expansion, spirit, assimilation, compensation.
Saturn- structure, form, responsibility, protection, limitation.
Uranus- change, breakthrough, new energies, transformation.
Neptune- integration, obligation, loss of distinction, beyond the individual.
Pluto- transition, life-death-rebirth, cycles, power sources, compulsion.

Pluto- transition, life-death-rebirth, cycles, power sources, compulsion

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*still learning about but posting anyway! :) you guys can learn with me!

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*still learning about but posting anyway! :) you guys can learn with me!

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