Homosexuality & The Wiccan Rede

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Soft of eye and light of touch, (don't give an evil eye to others look in their eyes with love and understanding)
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart. (Show love to all)
An ye harm none, do what ye will.(don't harm others or yourself and you can do what you wish)

I still can't believe there is Wiccan's who find out that Wicca excepts homosexuality  and they leave because they can't believe it. Is it really that hard to believe? I mean look at the 3 parts of the Wiccan rede above... An ye harm none, do what ye will in this case don't cause harm (not just physical violence but no bullying as this is emotional violence Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart & Soft of eye and light of touch) It's not saying you have to like homosexuality (everyone has their own beliefs, no one can force you to like it if you don't) but it's saying not to discriminate against anyone whom is a homosexual (that includes: bisexuals, lesbians, & gays or any other sexuality you identify with) Infact Wiccans shouldn't discriminate against anyone or thing for any reason based on what the Wiccan rede says. And if you do karma (3 fold) will pay you a visit, because you are breaking the Wiccan rede.

Some argue and say but it's not natural a man can't have sex with a man or a female can't have sex with a female to reproduce. They say we worship nature and because it's not natural in nature it's not right. Well guess what... It is natural in nature. Humans are not the only species who have sex with the same gender, look up 'homosexual animals' and your eyes will be opened. Not only do some species have sex with the same gender but they can show compassion for one another and parent together. There is nothing unnatural about homosexuality and about not being able to reproduce: other animals do it and they can't reproduce. What's so unnatural about that? Of course two penises can't reproduce, if they could that would be unnatural. Not everyone needs to reproduce, there is couples that are heterosexual and they don't want to reproduce, they don't need to if they don't want to. There is also women who can't have babies because they are infertile, they can't reproduce, that's not unnatural; it's what nature intended.

There is already plenty of humans on earth now (153 million orphans!) that need to be taken care of, it's not gonna effect us as a population right now if people don't have more children. So why worry about homosexual couples not being able to reproduce. There is homosexual couples that do want children however and although they can't have there own biological kids today they can adopt. Just like other species do in the wild, nothing unnatural about it.

Christians seem to think they invented marriage and because of that they won't perform a marriage ceremony to a homosexual couple. Pagans actually invented the first marriage ceremonies. (There is nothing wrong with Christians performing marriage ceremonies just not knowing where marriage first stemmed from) Marriage was originally in private and to form alliance with families to protect wealth and property. A honey moon was a tradition of drinking honey under a full moon to aid in fertility. Hand fasting is a neo-pagan ceremony where the hands of you and your beloved are wrapped in ribbon as you 'tie the knot'. Jumping over the besom is another common ceremony where the bride and groom jump over a besom (broom) it is said to bring good luck as a besom is used in Wicca to cleanse of negative energy. So if a Christian priest won't wed you go to a pagan priest :)

It would also be the right thing to do to stand up for anyone when you see homophobia going on, participating in marches etc. To fight against the discrimination of others, understand what they are going there's and have enough compassion to try to help. Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the Heart & Soft of eye and light of touch. By not stepping in to fight against the discrimination you are being a by stander and this causes harm. An ye harm none, do what ye will

*i don't know what else to add guys! :O I currently identify as demisexual (I'm attracted to both genders however I don't have a sexual attraction until I build an emotional connection with my partner.) And I do have a partner who is Christian. So I may or may not be getting wed by a Christian priest however I really do wish to be wed by a pagan priest or maybe both so my partner an I are both happy :)

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