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What is it?
The word 'chakra' is derived from the sanskrit word meaning 'wheel' translated from Hindi it means 'Wheel of spinning Energy'. A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy BUT they must be re-charged through cosmic energy (external energy or life energy that animates all life and is believed to keep everything in balance). The Chakras run vertical, from the top of your head (where your spin starts) to the base of your spine.

There is believed to be 7 Chakras in the Western world however in other parts of the world in different time periods there is/was believed to be anywhere from 114 to 44,000

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There is believed to be 7 Chakras in the Western world however in other parts of the world in different time periods there is/was believed to be anywhere from 114 to 44,000.

How Do They Work:
Each Chakra has different associations, Chakras can become blocked which may cause physical or emotional harm to your body as when one gets blocked everything else will be thrown out of balance. So it's important to keep them in balance and recharged.

Chakra 1- (The Base, The Root, Muladhara)Its colour is red and it is located at the perineum, base of your spine

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Chakra 1- (The Base, The Root, Muladhara)
Its colour is red and it is located at the perineum, base of your spine. It is the Chakra closest to the earth. Its function is concerned with earthly grounding and physical survival. This Chakra is associated with your legs, feet, bones, large intestine and adrenal glands. It controls your fight or flight response. Blockage may manifest as paranoia, fear, procrastination and defensiveness.

Chakra 2- (The Sacral, The Navel, Svadhishthana)Its colour is orange and it is located between the base of your spine and your navel

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Chakra 2- (The Sacral, The Navel, Svadhishthana)
Its colour is orange and it is located between the base of your spine and your navel. It is associated with your lower abdomen, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system and your reproductive organs and glands. It is concerned with emotion. This chakra represents desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation and creativity. Blockage may manifest as emotional problems, compulsive or obsessive behaviour and sexual guilt.

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