Chapter 15 : Love, Lies and Spies

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Chapter 15

Love, Lies and Spies

"You should stay here, I'll go to see who is it. You don't say anything. Like you're not here," I instructed Maura before I go and check who was back home. "And don't get out of the room no matter what, okay?"

She nodded in agreement and I went out of my room. I still hoped that it was Frankie who came back home but my hopes went down the drain when I saw my mother and Tommy who were standing in the living room. They were back and I was screwed.

"Ma, what are you doing here so early?" I asked nervously, trying to look like normal and sound pretty nonchalant about it even though I was freaking out inwardly.

"Well, your little brother said he was tired and wanted to come back home."

At that moment I wished I could kill someone. Perhaps my brother. He should have stayed out a bit longer. Would it have killed him to stay a few hours longer! I was so frustrated.

"And what were you doing in your room?" asked my mother. "Isn't there a baseball game you could watch on tv or something?"

"Uhm... I... I was... I was studying."

"You were studying!?" My mother was obviously shocked. Honestly, it wasn't the best option that I could chose to say but I had no other ideas. "On Saturday!" She exclaimed and looked at me with disbelieve.


It wasn't a lie, at least not all of it - there was a teacher in my room so that must count for something. Right? Except that we weren't studying.

At that time Frankie got home, too. He shut the door behind him and came in the living room. Great! Now all I need is my dad to come back home and we all could all go to my room together. And greet Maura. Which reminds me - I really hope she got dressed already and stay there without making a sound.

"I am going to my room," I announced loudly, trying not to gain any suspicion. I needed to check on Mura and think of something immediately before my mother suspected something. "I'll just pick up my phone and come back real quick."

"I'll come with you," my mother said, following me.

"What? No! Uhm... I mean, why?"

"I want to take the phone charger. My battery died," she explained while we reached my room. If she just opened the door, entered there and see Maura then I was screwed. And she was so close to that door. I needed to do something! To stop her!

"No, Ma. I'll bring it to you."

"I can take it by myself, Jane. What's the matter with you today? You seem nervous."

"I-I am not. I am not nervous. Nope." I tried to look clam in front of my mother though it was really hard when I was so panicked. "You stay here, I'll go and get it for you."


My mother just couldn't let it go. I knew she would start with the interrogation. Maybe she suspected something or perhaps she knew something was off because of my behavior. I needed to calm down and act like nothing was happening.

"Because I haven't made my bed and I know how much you hate it when I do that," I answered calmly, trying to look as usual.

"Didn't you say you were studying?"

"Well, yeah. Of course. Why would I lie?! Ha!" I was getting more and more nervous with every lie that I had to say. She was close to the door and I had no idea what I was talking about. Probably nonsense.

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