Chapter 9 : Baseball practice

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Chapter 9

Baseball practice

After school I had a baseball practice. On my way to the field I met Maura once again. She was walking on the street so I hurried and caught up with her to greet her.

"Hey, Maura."

I wasn't surprised to see her there because now I knew she lived near. Perhaps she went shopping again though I didn't see any bags in her hands.

"Hey, Jane. Did you had a baseball practice?"

"No. Not yet. Actually, I am on my way to go there," I explained. I was happy to meet her again out of school and decided to invite her on my baseball practice. I would be really glad if she agreed though I doubted it. "You can come and watch us play. It's just a practice but if you'd like that, feel yourself invited."

"Oh, I am actually free so I can come with you and watch you play. Thank you for your invitation, I'd gladly accept it."

I didn't expect it but she agreed to come with me. We both walked toward the field, having a small talk on our way.

Soon we reached our destination and she sat on the bench to watch. I was both happy and really excited that Maura was watching me play, though I was a bit nervous too. Knowing that she was there was motivating me and so I gave my best.

After we finished practice Maura came on the field and greeted me, saying that I was really good. I felt really flattered by her comment. Everyone else were gone since the practice was over so Maura and I were alone.

"Can I try, too?" Mura asked, looking really enthusiastic about it. "I want to try and hit the ball with the bat. Is it hard? I really wish I could try it out. So can I?"

"Okay. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try," I agreed, granting her request.

She took the bat in her hands, ready to play. I showed her how to swing the baseball bat and then I moved away to throw her the ball.

"Okay. I am ready," she called me.

I threw the ball and sadly she missed it. But the ball didn't miss because it hit her right in the rib. I didn't know how that happened - one moment I was aiming and throwing her the ball and at the next one Maura was wincing in pain. I quickly ran to her. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said that. "It wouldn't hurt to try." It was too soon. Why did I say that? Maybe I jinxed her.

"Are you alright?" I asked because she was holding her rib. At that moment I felt so bad for hitting her.

"Yes," she let go of her rib and looked at me. "I am fine," she reassured me thought she didn't look that fine.

"Can you walk?" I asked, concerned, holding her to support her. I wasn't sure whether she was hurt badly or not. I couldn't know that. I just hoped she was alright for real.

"Yes. I think I can," she said as she leaned on me and started walking slowly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she confirmed and I helped her out by holding her for support, walking along with her.

"Alright. Come on, let's get you home."

Luckily she lived near so we got at her house pretty fast without much efforts.

I was still worried about her and didn't know if she had any wounds. She sat on the couch carefully and I just wanted to make sure she was okay before I go home.

"Maura, how are you? Do you feel any pain?"

"My rib hurts a little bit but I am fine. I will survive," she said and smiled at the end but it wasn't very enthusiastic smile. I felt she wasn't that good after all. Perhaps she was wounded but I couldn't see that.

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