Chapter 13 : Surprise

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Chapter 13


The bell rang - the class was over so everyone started packing their stuff.

"Alright. That's it for today. Have a nice weekend," Maura dismissed the class, going at her desk.

"Jane Rizzoli, see me after class."

When I heard that, I looked at her, surprised. I packed my stuff and went at her desk after everyone else left the room. I had no idea what she wanted from me but I couldn't leave just like that after she called me. I wasn't in a mood to talk with her or anything else of the sort but I just had to - she was my teacher.

"Jane, would you come home after school? " she asked straightforwardly, making it seem so casual. "I want to see you and talk with you about something."

"You want to see me, Miss Isles? Then why don't you invite another student instead of me? After all I am just one of your students. Right? I could easily be replaced by another one. And I bet you wouldn't even see the difference."

"Jane, don't talk to me like that. I know you're hurt but you're hurting me," she said sullenly, pouting from disappointment of my words.

"Yeah, you're hurt but I am just peachy!"

"I thought that we can have a normal conversation," she said, going closer to me but I stepped back, going away from her. I didn't want to tempt myself by being close to her. I was having a hard time staying away from her and treating her that way but I had no other choice. She was clear the first time - she didn't want to go out with me. She didn't want me. I treated her so badly and I felt like the worst person in the whole world. But I was scorned and I just couldn't help it. Maybe the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" was totally true because after she rejected me I started feeling really angry and hurt. And I just couldn't hold back my anger - that was an impossible task against my power.

"Does this have anything to do with the subject biology? You want to talk about something for school, Miss Isles? Or not?"

"Does it matter?" she asked, shaking her head disapprovingly. She obviously didn't approve of my behavior and the way I treated her but I just couldn't hold back my bitterness.

"Actually, it does." I answered her back.

"Alright. Then it has to do something with school."

"Are you sure?" I asked because she didn't sound convinced. I wasn't buying it. It was so obvious that she said it in spite of me.

"Yes, I am sure," she answered, scratching her neck. It was so obvious that she was lying. Perhaps she was the worst liar in the whole world. Judging from the way she behaved - her nervousness and the constant scratching - I could easily see why she was always so open and sincere. She was a terrible liar!

"Then whatever it is, you can tell me right here right now," I dared her. I liked seeing her so nervous. That was a first so I decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Jane, if you have any feelings left whatsoever, you will come home. You can go now, I don't want you to be late for your next period."

She concluded and started packing her stuff, not paying any further attention to me. I didn't know what to say. I just nodded and then I left the room without saying a word.


I didn't promise Maura anything but after all I decided to stop by at her house before my baseball practice. I had no idea what she wanted to talk about but I was sure about one thing - it had nothing to do with school. And yet there I was, standing before her threshold. I knocked at the door and she opened it really quickly. Judging from her surprised face maybe she didn't expect me to go there after all.

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