Chapter 4 : The storm - Part I

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Chapter 4

The storm: Part I

The day at school went boring because we didn't have biology. I couldn't see my favorite teacher that day. I realized that when I didn't have biology class the day was going so slow and dull. My day was lame without seeing Miss Isles, her smile and her sexy body that I could spent hours scrutinizing. After school I had a baseball practice. At least there I spent some nice time because I loved playing baseball. On my way home, after the practice, I saw my teacher - Miss Isles. I didn't expect to see her there. It was a very nice surprise to meet her on the street out of the blue.

"Hello, Miss Isles." I greeted her as I smiled politely. I wasn't sure she would recognize me - she probably had so many students.

"Hey, Jane."

I was surprised she remembered my name so fast. And also - to see her outside school. I was happy but I didn't know what to say to her. After my big failure when I tried hitting on her, I felt kind of nervous and a bit silly when I was around her. Something got to me whenever I see her. But I tried to look calm, as nothing was bothering me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked me as she stopped to talk with me.

"Oh, I had I a baseball practice and now I am going home. And you?"

"I did some shopping and I am going home as well. I live around," she explained. "It's seems that we are going at the same direction."

"Yeah," I muttered, answering back nervously.

"The weather doesn't look too good," she noted.

To talk about the weather! What was I supposed to say? I hated small talk. But what else could we talk about? I didn't know what to say to her.

"Yeah," I confirmed awkwardly, looking up at the sky. It was dark blue and it seemed it was going to rain. And after just a few moments it started raining. A wind started blowing so we started walking again since we were going in the same direction.

"It's getting worse," she noted, going through her bag. "I think that a storm is coming."

I just nodded my head, feeling pretty dumb. Why was I acting like a complete coward who had swallowed her grammar! I could make a move on her and yet I was so scared and nervous that I was just walking with her silently, not knowing what to say.

"I have an umbrella in my bag," she stated, getting it out as we walked quickly in the rain. "Come here," she said and I obeyed, going next to her to hide under her umbrella. Boy, was I nervous. I couldn't think of one simple sentence or a question. Or something that we could talk about. Anything would suffice. And yet nothing occurred to me.

"We are very close to my house. You should come home and wait until the weather gets better."

"Oh, no. No need. I'll just go home," I declined politely. "I am not made of sugar, I won't melt in the rain."

"I insist. I can't let you go in this bad weather. You're coming home. Come on, let's go. We're almost there. We will wait there until it stops raining," she urged me and we hurried, walking faster towards her home.

We quickly arrived at her house. When we entered in there, I looked around - it was a really big house and it looked very fancy. She opened the door for me and we both went to her living room. We were lucky that we got there so fast because the weather went pretty bad. The storm got worse. A thunder suddenly cracked just when we got in her house and the rain started falling heavier than before. It seemed that it was just getting started. Perhaps it wouldn't stop any time soon. I didn't know whether I should be nervous or glad about that fact.

I sat on the couch and I took off my hoodie because it was wet. But other than that - I was good. I was just a little bit cold but inside Miss Isle's house was warm and nice.

"I will take a shower and then I am going to have dinner. Would you like to join me?" She asked and I coughed from surprise.

"What?" I gasped out.

Does she mean in the shower!? Don't be so silly. Of course not! Don't get any wrong ideas, Jane! I scolded myself for my dirty mind.

"For dinner," she explained and I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. "Not in the shower, of course," she stated the obvious, rolling her eyes and she looked so cute as she did it.

Did she say that joke on purpose? Of course not! I was being paranoid. It was involuntary mistake and I just had a very wishful thinking. Shame on me!

"In the meantime you can watch some tv or read something or prepare your lessons for tomorrow. Whatever you like. Feel like you are at home." She said and it seemed she was a bit nervous after our little misunderstanding.

"Uhm, okay," I murmured and she quickly went out of the room. I breathed a sigh of relief when she left me all alone.

How could I be so stupid? She made a joke and I didn't even say anything! I didn't take advantage of the situation when I could. And now she was in the shower. What was I supposed to think about when she informed me in that specific way. She literally invited me with her. Okay, maybe not but it wouldn't hurt to dream about it. Or maybe not. Uhmm, what my mother was always saying?... Have some respect. She's my teacher, she's my teacher. Have some respect! How could I be so pervert! Have some respect, Jane! I scolded myself in my mind, hearing my mother's voice. Oh, great! Now my mother is in my head. I turned on the tv and I tried to watch something in order to clear my head of all the inappropriate thoughts that were threatening to start running through my mind. I'll watch something and I'll quickly forget about Miss Isles and whatever she's doing in the shower for so long. I didn't know how long she was gone but it seemed like a decade. 

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