Chapter 5 : The storm - Part II

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Chapter 5

The storm: Part II

When Miss Isles got back from the shower she was wearing what you could call a casual dress but seeing it on her, she looked like she was going on a fashion show. She looked stunning as usual. She is definitely the hottest teacher that I know.

"So..."she began as she sat on the couch right next to me. "Are you hungry?" she asked me.

"Not really," I lied even though I was starving. I just didn't want to trouble her with anything. I was so nervous that I was there at her house, all alone with her. And that she was sitting so close to me. Close enough that I could smell her and it was intoxicating - a mix scent of shampoo and expensive perfume.

"I think we should eat something. The storm could continue all night. You might be here for a while. So what do you want for dinner? I have a roasted broccoli quinoa salad with sweet potatoes and kale in the fridge. It's really delicious."

Yuck! From all the ingredient she listed, I understood only broccoli. That salad sounded really healthy which meant only one thing - it won't be very delicious. But just don't make faces, smile and pretend that you like the idea. It won't kill you if you try it, I encouraged myself. Or could it?

"But I can make something else, " she suggested. She probably saw my face - I knew I should try harder to look nonchalant and have a poker face. "What do you want?" she asked me and waited for an answer.

"Oh, I don't mind. I'll have whatever you're having," I answered quickly, smiling nervously at her.

"Okay... how about I make us pizza? Which one do you prefer? Pizza or salad? Or maybe both?"

"I don't know," I said and shrugged nonchalantly. "Whatever you choose."

Please choose pizza, I prayed silently in my mind. I didn't want to chose instead of her because I was just a guest at her house, but I was hoping she wouldn't chose broccoli.

"Alright," she stood up from the couch, "I will make us pizza and you could watch tv or do something else while I prepare it."

"I can help you out," I suggested.

"Oh, no. You're my guest. I'll make the pizza and you could consider writing your homework for tomorrow because maybe later you won't have time to do it."

I did what she said - I started preparing my homework while she was cooking. It was hard to concentrate on my lessons when she was around me. I would steal a glance or two from time to time just to see her but whenever she looked at me, I quickly looked away. In the end, my homework was probably totally wrong but can you blame me. I had more important things to do - like watch how Miss Isles cook, look around the house and stuff like that.

When the pizza was ready we sat on the kitchen table. Miss Isles sliced the pizza, gave me once slice and left one for her and then we both started eating. When she tasted the first bite of the pizza she moaned loudly.

"Mmm, it's so delicious," she moaned in delight form the tasty food. "I haven't eaten pizza for so long. I am trying to eat healthy," she explained and took another bite in her mouth. And once again, she moaned. I tried to ignore it but it was hard to do avoid her soft moaning from the delicious food. My stomach fluttered and I couldn't help but imagine her moaning under very different circumstances. She was so sexy when she moaned like that! How was I supposed to resist her! Her moaning was kind of irritating but in the best possible way.

I ate my pizza in silence, trying to ignore my dirty thoughts. Luckily, Miss Isles stopped moaning and I focused on my food. Well, maybe not so luckily because I liked her moaning a lot. I liked the pizza, too. It was really delicious. Maybe I should ask her for the recipe. It was probably a polite way of showing that I like it.

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