"Just sit properly and relax."

"How can I relax when I know that I'm the reason behind her condition?"

"It's not because of you."

"It is. I was the only one who opposed her decision. If I agreed, her heart condition wouldn't be this bad." He said while sobbing silently.

"Don't think like that Ayaan. She'll be fine. And you won't ever cause any pain to her."

"But I did? I should have agreed to her wish from the starting."

"You did nothing wrong. It's normal human nature. Stop blaming yourself."

"Even if I stop blaming myself, will she be alright?"

"Of course. Dadi loves you. She won't ever want you to cry." I said and he hugged my waist tightly.

"Promise me, nothing would happen to her."

How could I promise when I myself don't know anything?

"I promise."

"She won't leave us right?"

"She won't."

"You won't leave me?"

"I won't. Why would I?"

"If anything happens to our family, I won't be able to live." He cried. And that was the first time I saw him crying that badly.

"Nothing will happen. Everyone is safe and alright."

"Dadi is safe right?"

"She is. Just rest. Everything will be fine till tomorrow." I kissed his forehead and made his sleep on the couch while I decided to stay awake at night.


I tried to concentrate on my exam paper, but the constant voice of the surrounding wasn't allowing me to. I tried to shift to my side and opened my eyes, only to find that I was dreaming all the time while sleeping. How could I sleep? I should have been awake!

"You're awake?" I heard Ayaan saying.

"When did I fall asleep?"

"Three or four hours ago."

"You should've woken me up. What about dadi's condition?"

"She's good as you said last night. I'm so happy." He ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"It's good that she's well. Where is she?"

"She's resting. She gained her consciousness just few hours back."

"Really? When will we get her discharge papers?" I asked while looking up in his hold.

"By noon." He said and pecked my lips. I raised my eyebrow in question and he chuckled while hugging me back, "I was so scared yesterday. Thank God everything is back to normal. I love you."

"Love you too."

"Love you three..." He said while nearing his distance to my lips.

"I haven't brushed." I kept my hand on his mouth and said.

"It doesn't matter."

"Still. Where is everyone?"

"Both the mother's are with dadi. Do you want to meet them?" He asked and I nodded. "First grant me my kiss."

"No...." I said and tried to pull myself out of his hold. "Leave me."

"I won't." He said, being adamant as always. Having no other option I stood on my toes to reach his height and pecked his lips softly. "That's cheating. It's not a kiss."

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