Like A Penny! (Gladstone's & Donald's life)

Start from the beginning

Gladstone got accepted first with ease to a prestigious university in England. He practically tackled his cousins when he got the news and screamed it through the halls. He was so happy.

Donald's application had gotten lost. He had bitten his nails to stubs. It took four months for an answer from the local Junior College. When he did get the acceptance it came as a shock to the whole family. He had asked Scrooge's permission and he had thought it was pointless but if it was something Donald wanted to do he wasn't going to hold him back. However he hadn't heard any progress on the situation. Della was ecstatic but wasn't aware that he had even applied. Gladstone wasn't aware until a few months into school when he had called in the middle of one Donald's lectures. He was upset the duck had not told him and came home that weekend to congratulate him.

Gladstone sailed through classes with ease but struggled to make real friends. This was probably due to his luck being the main reason people would hang out with him. This was until they noticed it would never be in their favor and Gladstone got all the credit. Causing them to ditched his nephew, though he was not in short of people to be around. That was alright by Scrooge Gladstone needed a taste of reality.

Donald on the other hand had a problem with meeting people and struggled to get passing grades in classes. Scrooge pieced together that the only reason he passed his advanced level math was because of his two friends Panchito and José. He was pleased that Donald finally had something nice in his life of constant disasters.

How Donald convinced him to let the two stay at the mansion for the winter break he would never know. He did know though that when Gladstone came back and instantly became friends. Donald seemed a little jealous to begin with but quickly got over it and joined the festivities.

After they graduated. Scrooge sat them both down in his office. They both felt out of place and Scrooge had done that on purpose. He had brought them only on rare, very rare, occasions so. Like children, they felt as if they had been called to the principal office. The shift under his gaze.

Scrooge was recalling these instances of their past and luck. Of course these were the major ones. There were plenty of small ones. Donald burned himself on the stove. Gladstone cooked perfect pancakes. Donald lost his wallet. Gladstone found money. Donald got flustered. Gladstone had impeccable charm and grace. He knew for the longest the roles he wanted for them but he needed them to accept them.

"I know both of you are very aware of each other's," Scrooge cleared his throat, "luck."

Donald and Gladstone looked at each other and grimaced. They never actually spoke about their luck or how it seemed to be opposite of each other but they both were very aware. They had on multiple occasions even completely ignored a bout of good fortune or a series of unfortunate events that happened in the other present, even downplay it.

"What is this about, Uncle Scrooge?" Donald gritted his teeth worriedly. He hated that look on his nephews face.

"I know it's an unspoken between the two of you. That you two blame each other sometimes." He saw resentment in Donald's eyes and guilt in Gladstone's.

He knew that, despite saying out loud, they both felt responsible for the other's luck. Donald wished he could have Gladstone's and Gladstone felt like he stole Donald's good fortune.

"I want to offer you two a position here at McDuck Enterprise but the catch is that you both have to accept."

"Both of us?" They said together. They looked at each other again. This time though it was in confusion.

"Yes both of you." It was a horrible idea really. The two of them barely agree on anything. Getting both of them to say yes will take something short of a miracle. However that was how he needed them so that was how he was offering.

"Um, no offense to Donny but you want to hire him." There was no malice, just awe.

"Yeah you want hire me?" He processed Gladstone's words. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

Scrooge held up hand for them to stop.

"I've watched you since you were born. Raised you since you were seven. I've attempted to keep you apart for a reason. You two are two sides of a penny. I developed a theory that when you're together it puts terrible strain on or both of you. Then when you were in college I learned when you're apart it seems to be worse. However improbable it might seem, things happen to the both of you and they can balance the effects of one another. I've seen it happen time and time again."

Both boys sat in stunned silence. Their uncle had studied them and knew more about them than they did. They looked at each other.

"I know it's not what you went to school for," they interrupted their uncle.

"When do we start?" "Sign us up!" Their words ran together.

"You don't even," Gladstone risked cutting off his Uncle one more time.

"Uncle McD, we'd have to be crazy to pass a chance to work here. Besides, I'll be working with Donny. How hard can it be?" He teased.

"Hey!" Donald sent a pointed glare at the goose. "But he's right Uncle Scrooge. If you need us working here then we'll do it."

"I would like to keep this business in the family." He muttered more to himself. They got working on the details of the jobs.

Word Count: 1629

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