It's a Complement, Mi Amor! (Panchito x Reader)

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The Legend of the Three Caballeros
Panchito x Reader
José & Reader
Gender Neutral!Reader
Translations at the bottom

I knocked on the door of the cabana.

"Ola ____." José opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I forgot to text Panchi this morning to see if he was even going to be here. With your boys' schedule there's no way of remembering it." I mentally cursed myself.

"He'll be back soon if you want to wait. I was actually about to text you and ask if you want to join me. I'm about to start a water painting." My face lit up. José only painted when everyone was out of the cabana. He didn't like onlookers but I had been pestering him for months about letting me watch him paint.

"I guess it's my lucky day then." I laughed and slid inside shutting the door behind me.

I followed José down the hallway to the boys' rooms and paused before entering. I knew he was a player but he was also one of Panchito's best friends. I bit my lip and walked in. I sat in stoke facing the canvas a few inches behind José, who stood.

We were there for hours. It was mesmerizing to watch the colors take shape and start to form buildings. The building started to form a small town. The two were on the coast but you could see much of the water. José had focused on a strip of buildings one was a barber shop, the next an ice cream shop, the next a restaurant. I could tell he was painting it from memory, like he sat on the same bench every day and night until he memorized it just right down to the women and child walking out of the ice cream store and the man play some sort of instrument just at the corner before the concrete turned to sand.

"There done." He dabbed his paintbrush a few times. "What do you think?"

"It's by far the most beautiful thing I've very seen, José." I soaked in the colors.

"No querida, you are mais bela de todos." I didn't need to know Portuguese to know he had just given me a complement.

"José." I said in a warning tone.

I had met all three boys on the same night. José and Panchito both made passes at me all night long and I actually ended up clinging to Donald the whole night because he wasn't as smooth as those two and he was still stuck on Daisy. Later I had told them it was because of the complements and my inability to come up with a good response to them. So it was Cabana's wide rule, no complements. I think Panchito likes when it came to José because he knew how much of a smooth talker his friend could really be.

"Just joking, amigo." He laughed. "I thought Panchito would've broken you of that by now. I know I would have."

"José." I huffed again not as strict though. It had caught me off guard. José just laughed and plopped onto the bed.

"Well does he calls you mi amor, no?" I blinked and nodded unsure where this was going. "Well, mi amor, it's a complement."

"I didn't know that." I whispered and was red. I turned back to the painting. "Thank you, José."

"Anytime, amigo." Shuffling came from the living room and a door slammed somewhere in the house. "They must be back."

"Thanks again for letting me watch you paint." With a nod I was out the door looking for my boyfriend.

I ran into the living room and Donald just pointed outside and had a look of horror on his face. I walked outside and Panchito leaned against the rail and his hat was pulled real low.

"I thought we agreed you didn't like complements." Panchito tilted his head up. I expected anger but only saw tears.

"I don't." I was so confused I wanted to hold the red roasters but didn't want to scare him away. I took a slow step towards him.

"Then why are you okay with José giving them to you?"

"I don't unders," he cut me off.

"Mi amor, it's a complement. What was the complement, _____?" I wanted to laugh but the hurt was way too real for him. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"No, José said that mi amor is meant to be a complement and it may be the only one I know how to respond too." I smiled and pulled Panchito into a kiss. I could tell he had been shocked at first but he quickly recovered. We were interrupted by little voices.

"Yeah do you two have to make out on the front porch!"
"I thought it was sweet!"
"Oh course you would!"

"April, May, June! Do not make me call your Aunt!" They ran inside.

"Don't be bothered by them, mi amor." I rolled my eyes.

"You're so going to use that to your advantage now aren't you." He chuckled and pulled me into another kiss.

Word Count: 877

Ola - hello
querida you are mais bela de todos. - dear you are the most beautiful of all
Mi amor - my love

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