Charity or Not! (Owlson & Glomgold)

409 6 28

2017 Ducktales
Deleted Scene
Owlson & Glomgold

Owlson walked into the building and the floor was wet. She rolled her eyes at the hundred scenarios that could mean. If it wasn't for her student loans, and professionalism, she would've turned around and walked out and kissed the company good bye.

"Zan, he did it again." The man at the security desk called.

"Good morning to you to, Patrick!" She mocked and in an attempt to keep some of her sanity as she downed the rest of her coffee.

"Good morning. He did it again," the security guard repeated.

"Can you please be more specific?"

He laughed, "He bought every shark from on the western seaboard."

She crushed her coffee and was glad she had already downed it. This job became more and more like babysitting everyday.

"I wish the aquariums would stop expecting his calls." She mumbled, "but thank you for the warning, Patrick."

He nodded and buzzed her back to the express elevator. Owlson threw away her cup and pulled out her tablet while she waited for the elevator. She checked the relevant stocks and currently wealth of her employer. For this man to be second richest duck in the world he sure did make poor choices.

Though honestly she was mildly impressed. She had no idea how he got those places to sell to him and she wished he would apply those tactics to his business.

"I hope those sharks were worth it because I'm cutting your dramatic entrance budget!" Owlson announced upon entering his office.

"What?! Those sharks aren't even for a dramatic entrances! They are for a nefarious ruse at best." He waved her off and leaned over the shark tank, the newest addition to his office.

"Doesn't matter!" She hung her head. "Look if you want to beat Scrooge in this bet you have to get serious. You can't go around buying sharks on a whim."

"But look how happy they are now!" He patted the tank.

"No! You have to get serious or you're going to lose your company. Now there's an opportunity up north with the Von Drake Seed Vault." Glomgold hummed not listening. Owlson knew from experience she wouldn't get anywhere while he was distracted. She laid a file on his desk. "I'll leave this here so you can read it on your own time."

She marched out to the reception's desk.

"Any reports?" Owlson asked, checking her emails.

"Oh yea. These are the recipes for the, um, sharks," Owlson looked up. The woman was new so of course she was confused.

Sighing she took the stack of papers and flipped through them. After a moment she stopped flipping when she got to a printed email, stapled to a recipe.

Dear Mr. Glomgold,

We wanted to thank you for taking in our two gravely injured Great Whites. We know they will have a better life with you than we could provide. We also would like to thank you for your sizable donation to the Shark Home here at the Trident Aquarium. Rest well knowing with your help these gentle animals will be released as soon as they are healed.

Dr. Quackmore

Owlson read it a few times and smiled. It was charity work-granted strange charity work, and that's probably not how Glomgold viewed it-but she could work with that. Maybe this guy wasn't all sharks, schemes, and plotting against Scrooge McDuck.

"Owlson! What if we sent Scrooge a box filled with - ahh the sharks eating my hat! Owlson help!"

Charity or not she was not giving him his budget back!

(@SciFiGirl253 thanks you for this image!!)

Owlson set up an Adopted a Shark program for tax purposes and this is the scene on opening day:

"Owlson! Why are you selling my babies!?!" Glomgold was horrified at the scene in front of him.

"Ugh! We've been over this. People are adopting the sharks that you've rehabilitated. They take a few pictures and watch them be released back into the ocean. Then you can use the money to buy more sharks."

"Oh!" He smiled for a second then he noticed a small child, leaning over one of the tanks to pet one of the sharks. "NO! DON'T TOUCH MY BABIES!!!"

Owlson stopped him from tackling the child and she pulled him away screaming and flailing like a child.

Word Count: 731

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