Dark Days! (DW)

369 12 7

OG Darkwing Duck!
Darkwing Duck
- this just hurts -

He couldn't help it. He punched the wall. Why would she leave him?! Was he a bad person? No, he was the hero. He couldn't be a bad person. That was mathematically impossible but maybe he was, to her. The only person in the city that it honestly mattered too.

The fans didn't matter anymore if she wasn't a part of them. There had been a time before. A time when he wouldn't give her a second glance but now that she was gone she was all he thought about. Well, her and his hero gig no more secret identity for him, like before she had enter his life. Maybe splitting his attention is what got in the way but he didn't want to believe that. He slammed his shoulder into the wall, trying to feel anything other than grief.

People had told him before he wasn't good enough. Villains were just like that he had thought. Constantly trying to get under his skin. They rarely succeeded in making him question his abilities as a hero and she had always been there to help him out of his funk. Maybe they were right to question him. Maybe they were right in general. Especially, if he couldn't keep her safe! What was the point if he couldn't keep her safe?!

He slided down the wall as he thought over the night. He had told her to stay put and she didn't listen! She never listened! That was what he loved about her. Her spirit that was just as blazing and bright as her hair. He'd give anything to see her messy red pigtails again. Despite the fact he knew he would spend days trying to detangle them.

Why did she leave? Maybe he really wasn't the hero he thought he was. He hugged his knees and tears rolled down his beak. He certainly wasn't the hero now. He couldn't be. Not on the day he buried her. Not today, maybe never again.

Then again losing a child could bring any man, hero or villain, to their knees.

Word Count: 358

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