Love Posioning! (Scrooge x Donald)

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17 or OG Ducktales - pre canon
Scrooge x Donald

18 + Content:
Porn with minimal Plot
Hand job

⚠️ Trigger Warning: ⚠️

Donald blew dust off the rim of the water basin. He ran his finger over the words that were engraved in the smooth marble, but he couldn't make them out. It was a strange sight. The bowl stood on a pedestal in the center of a cave, surrounded by abandoned treasures from past explorers. It glinted in the limited setting sunlight that came through the small cracks in the ceiling.

Donald stared down at the water. The rain was slowly dripping into it from a crack directly above the bowl. Scrooge had told him not to drink from strange water sources. This would count. Still he contemplated drinking it. His water canteen ran out a while ago; the water was clear; he had wiped the dust off the dish, which was more like pollen; and he was really thirsty.

"Donald!" Scrooge's voice broke him from thought. "Come help me load this into these bags."

"Can't it wait till tomorrow?" he whined.

He didn't even want to be here. He and Della got into a fight and botched a whole mission and Donald nearly got them all killed. This entire trip meant to survive as Scrooge's punishment and he was not taking it easy on him.

"No! Get down here, now!"

Donald grumbled and scooped a handful of the water and down it. It was sweet and not really refreshing, but he was just glad it was cold. He ran over to his uncle, who was already bagging the stuff.

Scrooge threw him a bag, and Donald just rolled his eyes. He picked up coins, rubies, and priceless artifacts. He found himself drawn towards Scrooge as picked stuff up. He tried to steer away, especially after Scrooge yelled at him to head to the back of the room. Even still, he ended up back in the front by his uncle. Scrooge just sighed in defeat.

Donald reached for an interesting gem at the same time as Scrooge. Their hands touched, and he didn't pull away immediately because the sensation was not the normal soft hand of his uncle but rather an electric charge. It was bigger than a shock, not painful but delightful. Scrooge looked at him and Donald jerked his hand away.

"Lad, are you okay?" Donald gave a jerky nod and avoided eye contact. What was wrong with him? What the hell had that been? Maybe he was tired. Scrooge seemed to take sympathy on him. "Well, I think that's enough for one night."

Donald made a fire in the cave entrance while Scrooge laid out the sleeping bags. Scrooge plopped down beside him while he was drinking from his canteen. Donald couldn't focus on his own thirst. He was focused on the fact their legs were touching and elbow and shoulders were bumping. Minor details that Donald should've never noticed were all he could think of at the moment.

"Donald! You're gonna burn it!" Scrooge grabbed his hands and the pan he was holding. Donald let go completely. "What has gotten into you?"

"I'm fine," Donald scooted away from him. Scrooge gave him a worried look but said nothing.

Donald felt like Scrooge was touching him more than normal, but he wasn't complaining. Every touch was more pleasurable than the last. Their hands touched when Scrooge took his fork and the plate. When Scrooge rejusted his position and their legs rubbed together. Their shoulders were resting together. Scrooge seemed to be leaning into him almost as much as he was. He had noticed this before, but never this closely.

Scrooge stood abruptly, and Donald almost whimpered when they disconnected. He made his way through the treasure, hunting something specific as Donald ate his soup. Now, with lack of touches, he felt cold and empty. He heard his uncle laugh from somewhere in the cave but there was no call for help so Donald assumed he was alright.

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