Coming Out As Super! (Drake x Fenton)

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2017 Ducktales
Drake x Fenton
Darkwing x Gizmoduck
Identity Reveal

Fenton was one hundred percent convinced his boyfriend had a crush on his most hated rival. Drake attempted to hide his affinity for the Masked Mallard but failed on more than one occasion and ended up geeking out over the man every time. Now to a normal person this might be seen as some sort of extreme hero worship but Fenton, being Gizmoduck, couldn't let the thought go.

The metal hero knew that Darkwing worked with Drake from time to time and it took all his self-control not to tackle Darkwing on sight and ask if there was any funny business between the two of them.

Fenton trusted his boyfriend but the Mask Minnis on the other hand, not so much. Fenton knew that the so called hero would definitely take advantage of Drake's affection towards him and when Fenton asked about Drake's work with Darkwing, he always got really stiff with his answer.

That's where Drake was tonight and Fenton was pacing waiting for him to get back. He jumped when the door opened.

"Fenton? Why are you still up?" Drake hung up his coat.

"I was worried about you." He didn't hesitate to hug his boyfriend. Drake laughed.

"You know I don't do anything dangerous." Fenton's hug tightened. "Wow. Is everything okay?"

"Are you in love with Darkwing?" Fenton asked, pulling away not daring to look in his boyfriend's eyes. Drake froze at his question. "It's just when I ask you about him you hesitate with your answers."

"Well of course," Drake let out a soft laugh. Fenton looked confused. "I can't give you any information that might make you a target and to answer your question I'm not in love with Darkwing. I just admire him."

"Well has he ever tried anything with you." Drake's face went red. He was trying to hold back a laugh but Fenton jumped to other conclusions. "I knew it!"

Fenton slammed the door on his way out and Drake was now standing in an empty apartment. What had upset his boyfriend? He didn't get a chance to answer him. Did he really think his alter ego was a player? Fenton has said he trusted him so where was he storming off too. Drake took up the pacing now but the living room was to small so he donned his spare Darkwing costume and headed to the rooftop. He used a grappling hook to swing towards the outskirts of the city. Suddenly something hit his back. It smelt sweet.

A pie?

"Gizmoduck!" DW gritted his teeth. "Do you know how much dry cleaning cost!"

Darkwing went to face the other hero but was met with a red boxing glove to the face, sending him flying off the roof top and in the alley below. DW groaned and stood up.

"Have you gone mad?! I know you don't like me but this is a little overboard." He stood up as Gizmoduck flew down to join him on the ground.

"If you ever come near Drake Mallard again I will personally throw you into Mr. McDuck's smallest prison cell, forever." Drake hadn't expected Gizmoduck to say his name. He paused in confusion then it was Fenton's turn to be confused because he hadn't expected Darkwing to laugh at his threat.

"I don't know what you're talking about Gear-for-Brian's but I think you finally knock one too many screws loose." DW went to shoot his grappling hook in the air but was caught off guard by Gizmoduck, who yanked his shirt.

"You will stay away from him. Do you understand?"

(Gizmoduck would be a good bad guy.) Drake held back a gulp as the metal man pulled him closer. Then Drake had a thought.

"Okay but humor me. What is there between you and him?" Drake smirked and Gizmoduck tensed.

"None of your business." Fenton dropped the other hero. He turned and started to activate his propeller but was stopped by DW.

"No, you just made it my business." He pinned the robot to the wall.

"He's," the robotic duck hung his head and started blushing. Drake pulled away slightly, "my boyfriend."

DW eyes widened. Fenton was...

"His what?" Drake was processing. This was Fenton? His Fenton?

"Yeah, I'm his boyfriend and I want you to lay off of him." Gizmo pushed DW's arms from around him and pressed a finger in his chest. Drake couldn't let this moment escape him. He got his wits back and smirked at his metal clad boyfriend.

"Oh, yeah and what if I said didn't want him but someone else." Drake raised an eyebrow at Fenton. His completely oblivious boyfriend however missed the hint.

"Go for I don't care about anyone but him." Gizmo pressed his finger deeper into the purple hero's chest.

Darkwing smirked harder then locked lips with Gizmoduck. Fenton didn't pull away immediately because the kiss was so familiar then he thought who he was kissing, very publicly.

"I just told you I had a boyfriend." He slung himself backwards.

"And you told me he was the only one off limits. Plus not like you pulled away instantly. How would he feel about that?" Fenton went red. While it did hurt a little, Drake could only hoped Fenton recognized the kiss and that was why he didn't pull away.

"Fine then both of us are off limits!" Fenton was beyond mad at this point and Drake knew he had to come clean.

"Wow. Is that your way of breaking up with me? I must say it's only like my third worst break up. Better than over text I guess." Drake dropped his usual deeper tone that he used to play Darkwing and reached for the knot on his mask.

"Okay, now you're the one that's had your block knocked one to many times." Fenton started to back away until the mask hit the ground. "Drake?"

"Hi, Fenton." Drake laughed nervously, all his gusto fell with the mask. "Not the way I wanted you to find out but I felt it was only fair."

He refused to meet his boyfriend's eyes.

"Drake?" Fenton whispered again. He could only stare. He had watched as the pride and ego faded from Drake's face as the mask had fallen to the ground.

Drake looked up and noticed his boyfriend shaking from shock, cold, or anger he couldn't tell. He didn't know what to do so he reached down for his mask. He tried to think of something comforting to say but was stopped.

"You said you didn't do anything dangerous." It took Drake a moment to realize what Fenton said and laughed.

"I didn't want you to worry. What about you? You're just the mechanic?" He raised an eyebrow before reapplying his mask.

"Touché but I have to ask why the egotistical approach to heroing?" Fenton couldn't help the comment once the mask was back on and Drake's chest instantly reinflated.

"Hey, you don't mess with the classics," he shot the grappling hook into the air, "bye, roboman."

"Roboman? Hey we'ren't done here!"

Fenton tried to catch Darkwing all night but to no success. They met at their usual spot at a small cafe. Instead of saying anything Fenton just kissed Drake and they knew everything was going to be okay but their alter egos had a reputation to uphold.

Word Count: 1236

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