Chapter 8: Umbridge

Start from the beginning

They weren't looking at me. I turned toward their gazes to Harry, who looked anything but comfortable to the stares that followed him to the Gryffindor table.

Of course. I wasn't the only one in the papers this summer.

"You coming?" Sam snapped me from my thoughts and together we found what had to be our original spots at the Slytherin table. Right in the middle, our backs to the fireplace.

"When do you reckon Pansy's going to come over for a little chat?" Sam asked, eyeing the silver gang who had taken their usual seats toward the end of the table, nearest the great hall entrance. Draco was in the midst of another one of his dramatic stories, getting a laugh from his cronies and Pansy's crew. One set of eyes were looking elsewhere from Draco, however.

Nott caught me looking and smiled cockily, as if he and I were still working that banter from last year.

"Merlin, if he has the audacity to come here..." I started, turning back to Sam who was frowning, trying to gather who I was talking about.

"So happy to see me, are we?" My brother's voice responded as he joined us, sitting across with his Quidditch friend Adrian. Sam dropped her frown while I gave my brother a haughty look.

"Day one and you're already sitting with me? That's a bit sad, no?"

"Actually, we came to talk to her," he clarified, pointing to Sam. "Why I'd give you attention is beyond me," Theo added as an afterthought with a snark smile, making me simmer silently in my seat. Adriane started off on Sam about a theory Theo and he had come up with for the new Quidditch season.

"Both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff have new captains after last year with Wood graduating and Diggory well..."

"Biting it," Theo said causally.

"Meaning, "Adrian continued without a second thought, "that we have the advantage for the first game if we find a strong second beater."

"That's right, Murray left..." Sam said, her eyes showing her newfound concern. But before the boring conversation could continue, there was a sound for silence as McGonagall placed the sorting hat on the front stool and returned moments later with the new first year line up.

"They're unbelievably tiny this year," Theo noted unnecessarily. Adrian seemed to agree.

There was another moment of silence as McGonagall stepped to the side and the sorting hat moved on its own accord to sing.

From what I remember, the sorting hat used to sing about the four houses, giving the first years an idea of what to expect and where they would best fit in. But this year, things went a bit differently about halfway through his verse.

"And you all know the score: I sort you into Houses because that is what I'm for, but this year I'll go further, listen closely to my song: though condemned I am to split you, Still I worry that it's wrong. Though I must fulfill my duty and must quarter every year still I wonder whether sorting may not bring the end I fear. Oh, know the perils, read the signs the warning history shows. For Hogwarts is in danger from external, deadly foes. And we must unite inside her or we'll crumble from within. I have told you, I have warned you... now let the sorting hat begin."

"That was morbid," Sam commented over the splutter of awkward clapping amongst the student body.

"I really miss the wood nymphs' melodies," I complained, causing Sam to snort at the thought.

"Of course you had wood nymphs."

"Trust me when I say, they were legit," I confirmed seriously. Adrian was looking at us like we were speaking in a foreign language.

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