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 Chapter 229 So Ruthless

I froze for a moment, thinking that the only reckless person like Ayue could say that. I didn't expect Mr.Cai to be reckless as well.

Or rather, he was not reckless but ruthless.

At a time like this, it indeed needed to be a bit more ruthless. Shaoping Gong had clearly promised not to pursue any matter. From now on, we did our own things. However now as soon as Zhengrong Gong had just been released from prison, he came to challenge me.

Obviously, they had no intention of reconciling at all. Instead, they planned to get Zhengrong out first, and then find a way to deal with me.

As for the Bai family ...... they may have already reached an agreement with the Gong family. The aim was just to get me under their control first. As for the future when the Gong family and I continued to fight, it had nothing to do with Bai family. The Bai family didn't have to pay attention to it, nor do they have to consider my feeling. At most what they would do was they would make Wendy sad and be scolded by her a few times.

In the end, I had to solve things on my own. Relying on other people was simply unreliable.

I also had to be a little more ruthless. If Gong family didn't learn a lesson, I was afraid they won't long remember.

With that in mind, I looked toward the road ahead and asked Ayue, "Let's see if we can still catch up to Shaoping's car."

"Okay. Tom, sit tight."

While AYue said, he pushed the gas pedal to the bottom. Even though it was a luxury car like the Mercedes S600L, there was still a strong inertia that pushed me into the seat.

I pulled out my phone again and dialed Bansha's number.

As soon as the call came through, I couldn't wait to say, "Bansha, send your men to the airport to see if Shaoping and Zhengwen have gone to the airport. If you find them, do something to keep them from boarding the plane, such as surrounding them and telling the police nearby that they are cheating or stealing. Whether it's a false accusation or a frame-up, just keep them here. I'll find another way to deal with them. Also, you sent someone go over the road to Chiang Rai or Bangkok. If any of his men come close to there, keep an eye on them and don't let them get away."

"Tom, what's wrong?" Bansha's voice tensed up all of a sudden.

"The first thing Zhengrong did when he came out was to look for me. And he asked me to see how he was going to screw me later."

"Fuck him. I'll send my men over right away. I have to kill him this time."

"Also, send some people downtown, especially to the fancy hotels. Probably they're not in a hurry to leave Chiangmai."

"Get it."

I told Bansha the license plate and vehicle model of the car that I vaguely remembered from earlier. And then I hung up the phone.

After putting the phone away, I looked out of the window and saw the street hurtled backwards. Then I hurriedly said to Ayue, "Don't drive so fast. It's going to be tricky if the police catch up with us later. It is bad that we didn't catch up with Zhengrong but we went into the police station first."

"Okay." Ayue was a bit frustrated and then he slowed the car down, "By the way, Tom, do you want to ask Mr.Sucha for help? With his help, Zhengrong and ShaoPing won't be able to leave Chiangmai even if they have wings."

I shook my head, "Not for now. I don't want to owe anyone a favor unless I have to."

"Then we'll find them out ourselves and drag them to the northern border and bury them."

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