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Chapter 184 In Deep Love With You

Then I lit a cigarette and continue to said, " Butyou know, we were only a nodding acquaintancewith each other, and I didn't know why she wouldfall in love with me. It was until these days atChiangmai that I realized she was still in love withme. Love is really an amazing thing which comesand goes so suddenly like a soap bubble. "

"But as far as I am concerned, you acceptedLuoshui Lin as your girl friend in college life,right?" asked Wendy.

"Yes, I did."

 "How was the relation between Xin and Luoshui?"

 "Good. They live in the same dorm."

 "Maybe she got to know you from Luoshui."


After a while of hesitation, Wendy lowered herhead and asked, " I am curious about yourresponse when she told you that she was in deeplove with you."

I shook my head and replied, "In fact, I don't haveany response." 

"Why? Don't you love her?"

 To this question, I replied without hesitation, "No,I don't love her."

"Why? She is very a smart and beautiful girl witha attractive personality, she is a really hot babe. "

Instead of giving her a direct answer, I took a bigpuff of the cigarette and calmly said, "Wendy,have you found that there seems to be aninvisible tie between us that connects ustogether. It was you who changed my life threeyears ago, and now, I meet you again, and..."

I paused and turned away my stare to the endlessfalling raindrops. Memories between us came tome one and again, and all I found through thesemoments was that perhaps I was destined to befirm connected the girl in front of me. 

Wendy was in a silence about my words, sheturned her head and stared at the falling rain.After a while of deep thought, she asked, "Tom, Iwant to know did you ever hate me for what I didto you."

"Well." I smiled and said, "you know, at that timeafter the imprisonment, I really hated you, and Ihave planned to do something terrible to you,but I restrained myself by reason. "

"Terrible, indeed, you are more like bad egg tome that time." Wendy bit her lip and glanced atme. Her eyes were full of shyness and anger, but Icould also see a smile in them.

"Ha ha, sorry for that, I was taught to be a badegg in the prison. By the way, my lady, if I didn'trestrain myself at that time, will you send me intothe prison again? "

Wendy nodded without hesitation and said in ajoking tone, "Of course I will, and I will ensurethat you will get rotted in the prison. "

"Wow, you do terrify me." Said I with a big smile.

Wendy failed to keep serious and turned herhead to hide her laughter. Then she raised herhead toward me and asked, "So now do you stillhate me?"

 "Now? No, no, I forget the hatred a long timeago. Now all I can do is to love you."

Hearing that, Wendy's body became stiff andturned her stare at me. I kept my courage andcontinued to said, "Do you know why I don't loveXin? The reason is because I'm already in lovewith you." Wendy was so shy about my wordsthat she couldn't continue the talk with me again.And at this point, I couldn't restrain myself andcontinued to said, "I don't know when I fall inlove you, and I was not sure about that in the oldtime, but now I shall tell you, I love you and noone can stop me. We are blessed with a goodrelation with each other, and nothing can changethat even the grudge we had."

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