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 Chapter 94 Kidnap

I stood up to leave, and Nacha stood up to see me off.

After a few steps, I suddenly thought of something, so I stopped and said, "sheriff Nacha, I met a fellow who came to inspect the project in Chiangmai just now. He said that his wife and children disappeared after they went to visit the Mae Ping River. Both their mobile phones were turned off all the morning, so he couldn't get in touch with them. He wanted to ask your police for help. But the police officer downstairs said the case could not be filed for investigation according to the procedure, since they haven't lost contact over 24 hours."

"Sheriff, how do you think of this? He is also a businessman. He originally wanted to invest in some industries in Chiangmai to provide some employment opportunities for the local people. Who knows that he can't find his wife and child? If something happens... "

Nacha frowned and said solemnly, "is there such a thing? It's no small matter. I'll go down and check. Mr. Tom, don't worry. If your friend's wife and child are really missing, we police will try our best to find out them."

"Your responsibility as the police is admirable, Sheriff Nacha."

"It's the duty of our police. It's kind of you, Mr. Tom."

We went downstairs boasting politely, and in the hall we saw Anzhi Tong, who was still waiting anxiously.

Nacha took a form to ask what had happened, and with waving his hand, he let all the people in the police station go out to search for them.

Anzhi thanked him gratefully, and then made a record of inquiry with other policemen.

After thanking Nacha again, I walked out of the police station.

In fact, when I was arrested before, Nacha must have received money from Zhengwen Gong, but I didn't say that the video-event was also done by Zhengwen, so as not to embarrass him.

As for the man named Sangkesu mentioned by Nacha, it should be the short old man who Mingqiang Du brought to the police station last time.

From the perspective of Nacha's attitude towards him, this old man named Sangkesu must have great power in the police system or the government.

Nacha wanted to ask me about my relationship with Sangkesu to measure whether it was worth helping me.

I've seen such tricks so many times and it was not difficult to deal with it.

Out of the police station, I walked as if nothing had happened to the small car rental hotel, while keeping an eye on the movement around.

The stalker must be waiting for me nearby.

When I came to the door of the hotel, I saw that his motorcycle was still in the door, but the guy was gone.

I rented a 250 crown prince motorcycle, which I would depend on to get rid of that asshole in a while.

Just after paying the deposit, Anzhi, his secretary and driver ran from the direction of the police station.

"Mr. Tom." Anzhi ran up to me, panted slightly, took out a business card and handed it to me with both hands. He said, "Mr. Tom, I didn't have time to thank you just now. This is my business card. I hope Mr. Tom can leave me a phone call. After finding my wife and children, I will invite you to have a meal and thank you very much."

I took the business card and laughed: "Mr. Anzi, you are welcome."

Then I took out my business card and handed it to him.

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