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- Chapter 193 I Could Not Let it Go This Time

"No, I found he showed up in the city beforewhen I checked the monitor. And I found hebought an air ticket which would fly at six. So westayed at the airport but he did not show up nordid he get on the plane. Then we could not findhis trace anymore." 

"It meant he noticed that you are going to catchhim?" 

"I don't think so. He did not worry about police.Because he knew we had no proof. He suppose tobe afraid of you. I saw people of Bansha, youarranged that, right? Zhengrong Gong mightfound Bansha's men, so that he knew you wereangry. And you were going to fight with him. Sohe hid or took a car to leave Chiangmai."

 I did not ask anything more. I frowned and fellinto thought.

Nacha's deduction might be right. Zhengrongwas not afraid of the police. He could afford aexcellent lawyer. But he was afraid I will fight withhim at any cost. That's the trouble a lawyer couldnot solve.It seemed that I shall not ask Bansha to look forhim. I shall let Nacha catch him in secret. It couldlet him suffer even if he could not be sent to jailat last. 

But now he supposed to run away already. Hemust know the people of Bansha were seekingfor him when he found them. So he gave uptaking the plane and took a car to Chiangmai.Where would he go to home? On land or placefrom another place?By car was not possible. For it needed to crossLaos and it was troublesome. And it took longtime. And maybe he could not pass the customsmoothly.

By plane was possible. And plane was the mostconvenient and fast. As where would he take theplane...The first place came to my mind was Qinglai.Minghao Du could protect him there so that hedid not need to worry about Bansha. 

Thinking of this, I said "Nacha, he might go toQinglai. Can you ask your people to go there tocatch him?"

Nacha seemed awkward, then he said "Tom, I amonly a police officer. I can only ask our staff andwe do not have writ of arrest so that Qinglaipolice would not listen to me. As long as he leftChiangmai, I could do nothing with him." 

"Okay, I will think other ways." so that I did notforce him. 

"Sorry Tom. I could not help you this time. Tellme if you need any help in the future."

 "Okay, thank you."

"You are welcome, bye." 


After Nacha's call, I found out Mingqiang'snumber and I was hesitate to ask him for favor.

Qinglai was his place. It was a piece of cake forhim to stop a man. But I did not want him to getinvolve this. It had nothing good to him.If Minghao's people wanted to send Zhengrongand met Mingqiang's people, would they fight?Would this make the two brothers fight with eachother?There was this kind of possibility. Even thoughthe possibility was small. I could not try it in casethey fight with each other.So I'd better not bother him.Thinking of this, I dialed Bansha's number.

"Bansha, Zhengrong might is on the way toQinglai, and he is not far." I told him frankly assoon as it got through.

Bansha felt confused and said "How do youknow?" 

"There is big chance that he would take a planeto China. So he might go to the internationalairport of Chiangmai." 

"Fuck, I will ask my friend in Qinglai stop him. Hecould not run away." Bansha seemed annoyed.

"Can your friends do that? It's the place of DuFamily there. Minghao's people would protecthim. And he has some guards with him. Don't dothat if you can't. don't get your friend involved. Iwill teach him a lesson when I go back China." 

"I will ask them to try. I will ask my friends to drugthem if no Minghao's people are there. I will gothere now. "

"Okay, tell them to be careful. Don't take risks.Forget it if it's not convenient." 

"I got it. Then bye."

I was little worried after the call. I was afraidpeople of Bansha would meet Minghao's peopleand messed everything. It would be worse ifanyone had trouble.I hoped he was not rush. If he could not stopthen let Zhengrong leave safely first, then I wouldthink other ways to fight him. 

After I went back I could not use this kind ofsimple and violent way. The security in China wasnot like here. Fighting face to face would sendyou to prison. So I could only think of other ways.For sure I would think other ways. It was a pieceof cake if I had enough fund.

As if I would be revenged, I did not care at all. Atmost we stopped connect with each other.

I suddenly thought the words of Wendy when Iwent back after the call. "When could it stop ifyou revenge again and again."

Her words was reasonable but that's mycharacter. I could not bear others to bully me. Ihad to revenge if someone bully me.When I was in jail, I fought with Mingqiang wasbecause of my character. It was okay for me whenI first in and he punched me, but then I could notbear him anymore for he made fun of me byevery means.

Actually Zhengrong's people waited for meoutside the shooting club and they almostsucceeded. I did not want to fight back, because Iknew they just wanted to revenge for his brother.It was normal.

But this time it was different. Wendy was therethis time. And his people did it and they nevercared if they would make other people who wereinnocent get involved. 

And they came with guns.It meant they might kill me.I could not bear it anymore. If I did not doanything to fight back they would do things evenworse because they would think I was easy to bebullied.So I could not let it go so easily.

Back to the table. Wendy looked at me withdoubt eyes when I just sat down.I shook my head and cleared my throat then Isaid to Xin Wen and Zhe Xu "Well, sorry. Therewas something emergency in Chiangmai, soPresident Bai and I had to go back tonight. I hadbooked tickets. The plane is 9. sorry that I can'tplay with you here."

"Ah?" they were stunned. 

Xin Wen frowned and asked "So urgent? Can't goback tomorrow?" 

"It's urgent. It's too late to go back tomorrow."

 "Okay, the emergency things are important.Come and play with us next time." Xin Wenlooked disappointed. But she still gave a forcedsmile.

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