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Chapter 196 You Had Gone Too Far

I went to the car where Bansha was sitting and looked inside, I saw Zhengrong Gong sitting in the back, with his hands tied behind his back, and his mouth stuffed with rags. His nose was bruised and swollen, and a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, obviously he had just been beaten up badly.

"Bansha, let's go, you lead the way and I'll follow behind."

I waved at Bansha and walked back to the side of my Benz.

Bansha got in the car and took the lead heading west, the other three cars under him followed, with Ayue and I and Mr. Cai at the end.

After about 10 minutes, we came to a sparse area of buildings and stopped in front of a garage-like structure. Bansha got off and opened the door.

It was a warehouse and workshop, with dozens of motorcycles, machinery and tools parked inside, and motor oil smears all over the floor.

It was not very wide inside, only could park tow cars. Bansha and Ayue's car drove inside, while his three people's cars were parked outside.

In the darkness of the night, his men escorted Zhengrong's two bodyguards into the warehouse, and Bansha opened the door and dragged Zhengrong out of the car.

With his mouth gagged with a rag, Zhengrong could only whimper and look around with panicked eyes, finally stopping at my face and showing his horror.

"Give him a chair." I said towards Bansha and took the cigarette that Ayue passed me.

Taking a drag on the cigarette, I whispered in Ayue's ear, "Ayue, when I gesture at you later, you can turn on your phone to record, and now you can turn on the recording interface earlier."

"Okay." AYue was clever, taking out his phone from his pocket and quickly finding the radio interface.

Someone quickly brought over some chairs and Bansha pressed Zhengrong on one of them.

I walked over and sat down in front of Zhengrong and pulled the rag from his mouth.

"What do you ...... want?" Zhengrong stared at me with pretended to be calm, then took a big breath.

I didn't answer, but instead exhaled thick smoke before looking at him coldly.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you realize this is illegal detention? Do you know how many years you'll get?" And ...... if you want to kill me, our Gong family will never let you go, and then you ......"

I didn't want to listen to any more of his crap and interrupted him by slapping him on the face.

He grunted and didn't dare to turn around after his head tilted to the side.

I said softly, "Zhengrong, you've gone too far."

"I ...... was just avenging my brother's death. You broke his knee, he's destined to be a cripple for the rest of his life. You guys did it so hard, you have to pay the price for it, and it's not just my revenge, it's also my family's."

"Oh, your brother did such a thing as kidnapping for a trifling matter, and he did nothing more than blackmail someone with the life of a small child? He deserved what he got, and it's a good thing he didn't end up in jail for ten or eight years."

Zhengrong didn't say anything, still tilting his head and not looking at me.

I said coldly, "And you, in order to avenge your brother who simply deserved it, you even had someone bring a gun against me, and you dared to do it even when Wendy was present, with no regard for her safety, aren't your Gong family and the Bai family on good terms? How come when you get over here, you don't take her seriously at all?"

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