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 Chapter 40 There's Somthing Strange


"Oops! I'm awfully sorry! I love sleeping very much, and anything could slip from my mind with a pillow in my arms. How long have you been waiting?"

I took a look at my phone, "Not that long. I just waited for exactly 2 hours, and there are two and a half hours to go before the departure of your flight."

"What?" Jia Wen was dumbfounded for a moment, but soon she jumped out of the bed like a hare. "Too bad! I'm so dead!" She shouted, rushing into the washroom dragging her slippers.

"Just take your time. There's just a ten minutes' drive between us and the airport."

I just came to find out that Jia Wen is a little bit clumsy, making her luggage a thorough mess and leaving her things here and there.

It's even me who finally found her earphones by unfolding her quilt on the bed.

By the time she had washed herself, got changed and packed up her luggage, over half an hour had passed. And she even hadn't put on her make-up.

When we finally finished our breakfast and arrived at the airport, there was just one hour before the departure.

I got her her boarding pass, and when she's about to enter the checkpoint, Jia Wen stood still in front of me with her head down, as if trying to say something.

"Keep in touch by Wechat, and remember to call me after getting back to Shenghai. I'd like to know more about the stories of you and President Bai." Speechless for a moment, she finally raised her head and said with her eyes crinkling.

I nodded, "Well, off you go. Mind your safety when mucking about, and don't dwell on chasing adrenaline."

"Hahaha, that was really an exciting night! By the way, be careful and don't try to trace them. Or you may come back to Shenghaias soon as possible."

"Just set your mind at ease. They can't do any harm to me, a master of martial arts with a wily brain. I will return soon after my business is finished."

"Fine, do be more cunning and flee faster when confronted by them next time."

I couldn't help but to smile. And seeing the care in her eyes, I subconsciously reached out my hand to smooth away a wisp of hair covering her eyebrow, "Just rest assured."

She conformably let me fiddle with her hair, and then ducked her head for no reason.

"Well, go and make your way through the checkpoint, there isn't much time left."

"Yeah." She nodded, stepping toward the checkpoint.

Just a few meters away, she suddenly turned her head with her lip bit, "You may pick me up when I want to date someone."

With that, she raced to the security gate pulling her suitcase.

I stood on the same spot still, watching as she went through the checkpoint and entered the passage, like a butterfly.

But she didn't look back again.

The repeated sound of the airport announcer gradually drew back my thoughts. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, and then walked out of the airport.

"You may pick me up when I want to date someone."

Her voice still echoed by my ears, and for a long time it didn't fade away.

I would certainly like to pick her up. When I first saw her, the smile on her face captivated me.

But for now, I seemed to lack the courage.

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