"Remember the next steps of the plan," Jungkook muttered to the other boys. "Go through the main floor, blend in. Find the vaults. That's where they'll be keeping the drugs."

His assertive lead was met with curt nods. They all had memorized the mission down to their every move, encoding the steps into their brains, but the reminder was welcome. It guided them back to their purpose.

Namjoon was quick to step forward, fitting his keycard into the vertical slot. There was a brief pause where Jungkook was half-sure that the whole plan was about to fall apart before it ever began before the telltale click and hiss of the mechanics resonated through the night.

The two double sheets of thick metal slid open on silent hinges, granting them access. This was the exit they would also come out of, unless they ran into trouble, in which case they would go to the exit closest to Jimin. If they could just make it within reach of the main entrance, the other boy would be able to help them through safely.

Remembering to flick his comm on as they snuck through the entrance, Jungkook whispered, "We're in."

"Are you referring to you and the Cobras or you and your dick?" Hoseok's voice said through the small device.

"Hoseok, shut up. No one wants to hear your horny ass thoughts," Jimin threw back.

"Don't make me turn your comms off," Taehyung threatened. "This channel is for important purposes only."

"One could argue that getting laid is important," Hoseok returned.

Jimin huffed in exasperation. "How would you know? You clearly don't get it very often."

"You little shit-"

Switching off the comm with an amused eye roll, Jungkook suppressed the urge to reach for his gun as they marched straight into the belly of the beast. This place, these people at his sides, they were unfamiliar. The cool sting of metal beneath his touch, that was familiar. That he could rely on. With the stolen uniforms and the black beanie covering Namjoon's shock of blond hair, they fitted right into the sea of guards milling about every corner.

"Stop looking around like you've never seen this place before," Yoongi snapped at Namjoon, whose head was whipping around to drink in every spare detail, down to the metal scaffolding supporting the catwalk criss-crossing above them.

"But I haven't seen it before," the other boy protested.

"They don't need to know that."

Jungkook frowned as they passed through the floor. They were almost nearing the end of this section and still nothing in sight that even pointed toward their desired direction. Taehyung's voice echoed in his head. Once you get inside, you'll have twenty minutes max to get the drugs and get out before they realize you don't belong. He glanced down at his watch.

18:31 left.

But it's not like they would hang a big neon sign with the words "ILLEGAL DRUGS HERE, TAKE WHAT YOU WANT" on it.

"I don't see it," he muttered.

Namjoon motioned toward a corridor branching off the main walkway. "Maybe we're looking in the wrong place."

A slight scowl dragged down the corners of Yoongi's mouth as he took in all of the other corridors splitting off from their path. For the first time, Jungkook sensed an uncertain shift in the older boy. "There's too many hallways. We'll never be able to check all of them before they discover us."

"Should we split up?" Namjoon suggested, glancing between the two bosses.

Jungkook's gaze cut sharply toward him. The adrenaline that electrified every nerve ending in his body turned to ice at the idea. This had been the very thing he was afraid of - getting separated and losing everything to his lifelong nemesis. He refused to let Yoongi mess up another thing for him.

And yet...

There wasn't nearly enough time for them to explore every corridor on the off chance that it was the one they were looking for.

Speaking through gritted teeth, Jungkook ground out, "Fine. Namjoon, you take that side, Yoongi, the other. I'll circle back to the ones we passed." Pinning the other boss down with his withering stare, he said in a dark voice that harbored all of the stormy emotions warring within him, "We meet back in the center in ten minutes, regardless of whether we find anything or not. And so help me god, if I find out you've skipped and made a break for it, I will tear you apart limb from limb with my bare hands."

Yoongi's lips twitched upward into a smile. "Don't tempt me to call your bluff, Vice."

A cold laugh echoed from Jungkook as he started to back up down the hallway. "I'd like to see you try, Arsonist."

Without waiting for a response, Jungkook spun on his heel. As much as he wanted to give in to the blistering inferno he felt in Yoongi's presence and chase it down the years of hatred and bitterness that had been building up between them, he knew they didn't have time for it.

The red numbers displayed on his watch were a firm reminder of that.


He couldn't afford to lose another second.

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