Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I sat in the car just looking out the window. I'm so mad at myself right now.. I bit my bottom lip hard, trying to keep the tears from spilling out of my eyes. "Harry what's wrong?" Louis asked worriedly. "Louis don't." I said scooting farther away from him. "Harry tell me what's wrong." Louis said placing a hand on my shoulder. "Stop, Lou. Leave it alone." I said again, getting mad. "No Harry tell me-" "STOP!" I screamed, finally looking at Louis. "STOP TOUCHING ME, STOP TALKING TO ME, I DON'T EVEN WANT YOU SITTING BY ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled. The whole car fell silent and Louis looked like he would cry at any moment. "Harry what the fuck?!" Liam screamed from the from of the car. "Uhm n-no it-it was my f-fault." Louis said quietly. Then he moved by Ziall in the middle seats. I had to do it. I have to push him away. Im not giving up all that time I spent getting over him. So if I have to be a dick, then so be it. "Hey Li? Can we stop at a gas station? I wanna get some things quick." Louis asked quietly. Are you serious? "Liam do not stop at the gas station." I growled from the back. "Harry if Louis wants to stop, we'll stop." Liam said sternly. "Fine. I'm going with him." I retorted. "Then I don't want to go anymore!" Louis said. "Are we going or not?" Liam asked angrily. "No!" Louis yelled, then slumped in his seat. I don't care if we are kinda fighting, I still love Louis no matter what and I don't want him hurting himself.

We got home and we all got out of the car, walking inside in complete silence. Louis stormed upstairs and I followed closely behind him. I even followed him into his bedroom. "Will you leave me alone?!" he shrieked turning to face me. "No because I don't want you hurting yourself!" I replied. "Why don't you trust me?! It's not like I'm going to hurt myself 24/7 so leave me alone for 20 bloody minutes!" Louis yelled. "Its not that I don't trust you! Im just worried about you!" I exclaimed. "Well don't! Because when I worry about you, you fucking scream at me and flip out!" Louis came back. "BECAUSE I WAS FUCKING PISSED OFF, LOU!" I screamed. If this didn’t stop, things were going to get ugly. The door flew open and all of the guys walked in. "What is going on?" Zayn asked with a scared looking Niall clutching onto his arm. We both ignored the presences of our best mates and continued our argument. “That doesn’t mean you have to scream at me!” he said desperately. “I was just trying to be there for you! You are my best friend and I’m so fucking sorry I care about you so much!” he spat. “Maybe you should stop fucking caring about me and I’ll stop caring about you because I am done with this shit!” I spat back. “Is that really what you want?” Louis asked sadly. “Yes.” I said coldly. “Fine. I don’t care.” he walked into his bathroom and slammed the door. “Take Harry out of here, I’ll talk to Louis.” Liam said to Zayn. I followed Zayn and Niall outside on the balcony, and Zayn passed me a cigarette and his lighter. I lit it up and gave the lighter back to Zayn, cringing at the cold plastic. All three of us stood there in silence; Zayn and I both smoking in silence while Niall cuddled into Zayn.

“What was that about?” Zayn finally asked. I shrugged, not feeling like talking. “You do know, and you will tell me.” Zayn replied sternly. I sighed, I knew he would make me talk, I’d break down eventually. “I love him, Z. I love with all my heart.” I said, looking at the city lights in the distance. “Are you in love with him?” Niall asked quietly. I nodded. “More than you will ever know.” I muttered. “Maybe you should tell him.” Niall suggested. I thought about it. Do I really want to suffer the rejection? There was always a slight chance that he returned the feelings.. He was always quite affectionate towards me. Then again, I knew a lot of best friends that were affectionate towards each other. “I don’t know.” I said. I really didn’t know what to do.

Liam’s POV**

I knocked on the bathroom door, hoping Lou would let me in. “Go away!” Louis yelled from the other side of the door. “It’s Liam. The other lads took Harry outside to talk.” I said. I heard the door unlock and Louis stood infront of me, looking as if he would cry any second now. I opened my arms and he fell into them, sobbing into my plaid shirt. I walked forward into the bathroom, and closed the door behind me. I pulled Louis down so we were both sitting on the floor, with Louis on my lap. “What’s going on?” I asked Louis sadly. “I love him, Liam. Like more than I should.” he said into my shoulder. He what?! “You what?!” I was shocked. “Please don’t be disgusted with me..” he pleaded. I only held him tighter. “Why would I be disgusted? I was okay with Ziall, and I was okay with Harry liking-” I stopped myself before I told Louis that Harry used to fancy him. “With Harry liking me?” Louis guessed. “How do you know about that?” I questioned him. “He told me. He told me the day he came home and then he said he was over me. I was crushed because I had just accepted that I fancied him..” Louis mumbled. Oh my god. I feel so bad for Louis, that must be terrible. “Wow, that’s some.. Bad luck.” I thought out loud. “Wait so that’s who you were talking about in the interview..” I finally understood now! I felt him nod against my now wet shoulder. “And now he doesn’t care about me..” Louis trailed off, tears brimming his eyes once again. “That’s complete bull.” I told him. “Harry’s always going to care about you whether he wants to or not.” I finished off. “You think so?” Lou asked looking up at me. “I know so.” I told him.

Harry’s POV**

“Damn it Harry, just grow a pair and talk to him!” Zayn yelled, sick of arguing with me. We’ve been arguing about this for like 20 minutes now. “Fine!” I yelled, equally as fed up. “Then go!” Zayn yelled with a smirk on his face. “You know I’d like to smack that smirk right off your face.” I told him, as Zayn and I walked inside. Niall went inside about 10 minutes ago, he got sick of us so he just left. “Come at me!” Zayn said jokingly. “Maybe another time, Malik. I’ve got some shit to take care of first.” I said as we went into Louis’ room. I stared at the bathroom door nervously, biting my lip. “Go on.” Zayn said with his arms crossed. I slowly lifted my hand up and knocked on the door. The faint voices stopped and I heard shuffling. Liam opened the door and I gulped. “I need to talk to Louis.” I said, still chewing on my lip. “I don’t want to talk to you.” Louis shot from sitting on the sink. Liam shot him a look and Louis’ shoulders fell. “Fine.” he muttered. Liam smiled and whispered, “be nice” into my ear. I hit his arm and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, then locked the door. Louis shot me a questioning look. “You aren’t leaving until I g et you to forgive me.” I told him sternly. “Then I guess we’re gonna be here for a while.” He said stubbornly.

“I care about you so much.” I said, walking over to him. He crossed his arms and looked at the wall. “And I need to show you how much I care about you.” I said, continuing to talk even closer to him. I was right infront of him now, it was now or never, Harry. I grabbed his arms, pulling them down to his sides, then intertwining our fingers. I leaned in so our foreheads were just touching. “Wh-What are y-you doing?” Louis stuttered, looking at me with wide eyes. “You can push me away at any moment.” I said, getting lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. I leaned in again so our noses brushed against each other. “What if I don’t want to push you away?” Louis asked in a soft, relaxed voice. “Then you wouldn’t mind if I did this.” I said, then closed the final gap between us, pressing my lips against his. He kissed me back without any hesitation, and our lips moved together perfectly in sync. I cant believe this! I was actually kissing Louis! Oh, and his lips felt so right against mine. There was electricity running through my body, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Louis felt the same way. He pulled away but kept close to me, his breath tickling my lips. “Whatever feeling I got just then, I never want it to stop.” he said, then smashed his lips against mine once again. I kissed him back desperately, my hands going to his waist, as his went around my neck. He opened his legs so I could get even closer to him, then wrapped his legs around my waist. I flicked my tongue across his bottom lip and he opened without hesitation. It wasn’t heated, or filled with lust. It was passionate and full of love; no fight for dominance, just our tongues occasionally brushing against each other. It was perfect. We were disturbed from voices on the other side of the door.

“Oh my god they aren‘t saying anything! What if they‘re doing something!?” I heard Niall ask. I pulled away and looking at Louis, who was biting his lip, trying not to laugh. God he looked hot. “Please, if they were doing something we’d hear them, Harry is quite kinky. They’re probably just snogging.” I heard Zayn say. “How do you know that?!” I heard Niall yell, I could practically hear the pout on his face. “Babe, I was ‘with’ him for a week, we did stuff, he’s kinky.” Zayn replied, probably trying to calm down an upset Niall. “That is disgusting.” Liam said. I looked down at Louis again, and he had a smirk on his face. “So you’re kinky, huh? Maybe sometime you’ll have to punish me or something.” he said with a wink. I felt my face heat up and he laughed burying his face in my neck. We sat there just holding each other close. “Im scared.” I heard Louis mumble against my skin. “Why, babe?” I asked, pulling him closer. “I’ve never liked another boy before, it’s scary..” he said looking at me. “It’s scary at first, but we wont do anything that you’re not comfortable with, okay?” I said. He nodded and I pecked his lips quickly. “Good. Now where were we?” I asked cheekily, then pressed my lips against Louis’ once more.


Yay for LARRY! Finally! Now i can reaally get going with this story. im happy. THE A TEAM IS ON THE RADIO. Okay i might post another chapter later, if i have time. i have so much work to do though, so maybe ill post another chapter tomorrow before drivers ed.

please fan vote comment!!(:

Love and Rockets,


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