Chapter 15: Part One

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Chapter 15: Part One

Louis has been acting strange all day, and it's freaking me out. He's being all lovey and cute and.. UGH! Not that I mind, no, I do enjoy the endless kisses and hugs I've received from him ever since he got home. He had to go set up for our date so I hadn't seen him all fricken morning. I sat at the counter, watching as Louis washed the dishes from lunch and quietly sang Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran.

"And your eyes change from green to gray in winter, I'll hold you in a cold place. And you should never cut your hair, 'cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder!" Louis sang, squishing my cheeks between his wet soapy hands. "Ew Lou, get out of here!" I squealed, smacking his hand away and wiping the water off my face. "My Hazzy doesn't like when I song cute songs to him?" Louis asked pretending to be sad. "No baby, I love it when you sing cute songs to me!" I said, getting up and wrapping my arms around his waist. "You're acting odd today." I told my gorgeous boyfriend, holding his body close. "I'm just happy." he confessed, a goofy grin on his face. "And I'm excited for our date tonight." he added. He kissed my cheek and I smiled widely. "Me too." I agreed, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. "I love you!" I said in a little kid voice, resting my head on my shorter boyfriends shoulder. "I love you too." Louis said, holding my body close to his. We stood there just embracing each other for at least ten minutes, wrapped up in each other's arms, completely silent. The only sound you could hear was the sound of us breathing, and I didn't want it any other way. "What time is it?" Louis asked with his eyes closed. "Um it's around 2:30." I told him. "Mkay. We have dinner reservations at 6:00, and were leaving at 5:45 so make sure you're ready." Louis said, kissing my curly hair. I simply nodded against Louis' shoulder, not wanting to move.

Soon enough it was 5:40 and I looked in the mirror, taking in my appearance. Louis said to look classy.. like I knew what the hell classy looked like. I was wearing a gray blazer, white button up shirt, and dark jeans. I shook my curls and flipped them to my side, making sure I looked perfect. "Harry! Hurry your sexy ass up!" Louis screamed from the living room. I smirked and walked out into the living room. I was about to make a cheeky comment when I saw Louis. "Wow.." I breathed. He was wearing a tight white button up shirt, similar to mine, burgundy colored jeans, a burgundy bow tie, and white TOMs. His hair was like it usually was; messy, in a windswept sort of way... It was still perfect. "Yes, I know I look good, but it's rude to stare." Louis chuckled. "What?" I asked, my eyes still glued to my stunning boyfriend. "Harry, come on." Louis said, rolling his eyes and grabbing my hand. He pulled me outside and opened my car door for me. I kissed my cheek and got in, clicking my seatbelt into place. He got into the driver's side and started up the car. Louis grabbed my left hand and laced our fingers together so our hands rested between our seats. After about ten minutes of a comfortable silence we pulled up to a small, Italian resturaunt. I smiled as Louis opened my door and we walked into the cozy looking building. "Reservations for Tomlinson." Louis said to the hostess in a Posh voice. I stifled a laugh and Lou and I followed the hostess. She lead us to a private room with a single table. The room had sparkly fairy lights set up all around it, there were candles lit, roses set around the room, and soft classical music playing quietly. Louis pulled my chair out for me and I sat down, blushing like a school girl talking to her crush. Louis sat down opposite of me and looked through the menu. We ordered some red wine and spaghetti, just enjoying each other's company. We held hands across the table and even did the cliché lady and the tramp spaghetti kiss. Yes it was cliché, but to me it was perfect.

Louis payed the bill, even though I wanted to pay, he kept saying he was the one who took me out and he wouldn't let me pay. Stubborn prick. "That was a lovely date, baby." I told him as we walked outside. Louis just chuckled and shook his head, "It's no where near over, sweetheart." I looked at him utterly confused, but he grabbed my hand and led me toward a secluded location. I saw a huge white gazebo, covered in white fairy lights and red roses, similar to the ones inside the resturaunt. It was absolutely stunning. "This is beautiful." I whispered to Louis. "Come on." he whispered back, grabbing my hand and pulling so we were standing in the center of the marble gazebo. "Care to dance?" Louis asked. "There's no music." I stated. Louis rolled his eyes and clapped twice. Three people carrying violins came out of nowhere and set up. The soft, soothing melody of I'll Be by Edwin McCain filled my ears and I smiled at Louis who stepped closer and wrapped his arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling our bodies towards each other so our chests were touching. I nuzzled my nose against his as we slowly swayed back and forth to the harmonic music. "It's like A Cinderella Story." I said, smiling down at my Boobear. "That's what I was going for.. Except I promise you I wont leave you at midnight." Louis replied, moving his head up and pressing his lips to mine for a sweet, tender kiss. I ran my tongue across his bottom lip and his lips parted, granting me access to his addictive mouth. Our tongues danced together slowly, passionately, lovingly. This kisses made me weak at the knees, they made butterflies erupt in my stomach, they drove me crazier. We pulled away but kept our faces close, so our breath mixed together between our parted lips. "You lift my feet of the ground, you spin me around. You make me crazier, crazier. It feels like I'm falling and I, I'm lost in your eyes. You make me crazier, crazier." I sang softly, looking directly in Louis' ocean blue eyes. "You make me crazier." I told him. His eyes glazed over with tears and he smiled slightly. "You're amazing." he said, burying his face in my neck. The music had long ended but we still stayed there, swaying back and forth.

"There's still more.." Louis said trailing off. "More?!" I asked surprised. Louis smiled and nodded eagerly. He went in his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. He handed it to me and I eyed him suspiciously, cautiously opening the white paper. My hand came in contact with a cold, rectangular piece of plastic. I slowly lifted up and stared at it in shock.. Yup. It was exactly what I thought it was.

A hotel room key.


BUM BUM BUMMMM! Oh my god I hit 300 reads today and I was sooooo excited! *Takes celebratory shot* Woohoo! I know that's not a big deal to some people but I'm easily impressed so leave me alone. Okay so I am EXTREMELY impressed with this chapter and it was so cute to write! It's only part one and I don't know when part two will be posted.. It's like 1:20 AM here so it wont be soon. Anyway, I really hope you liked it!:D


Love Alli<3

Give You All My Heart (Larry- EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora