Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

'Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety,

And you'll be my lady.

I was made

To keep your body warm,

But I'm cold as the wind blows

So hold me in your arms.

And your hearts against my chest,

Your lips pressed to my neck'

I groaned as my ring tone filled the silence of the flat. There was an odd weight on my chest, and I looked down to see that Louis was attached to me, sleeping softly. Shit, did we fall asleep on the couch? I grabbed my phone and answered it, trying not to wake sleeping beauty on my chest.

 "Hello?" I asked in my husky, morning voice.

"Hello Harry." My eyes shot open when I realized who it was.

 "Erm.. Hi Simon?" Louis stirred a little, and cuddled even further into me, his face resting in the crook of my neck. My breath hitched as his hot breath hit the delegate skin.

 "Everything alright over there, Mr. Styles?" Simon challenged.

 "Peachy." I replied, trying to steady my breathing.

"Good. I was just calling because I know about your feelings for Louis." I gulped.

"What about them?"

 "It's not good, Harry. You need to take all of your feelings and dump them." I nodded, but then remembered I was on the phone, and Simon couldn't see me.

"And to make sure these feelings will disintegrate, you'll be taking some time off, to see your family."

 "WHAT?!" I yelled into the phone. Louis shot awake, obviously frightened by the loud noise. He looked so cute with his rosy cheeks and his hair sticking up all over the place.

"Hold on, Simon." I said into the phone, before pulling Louis back into me and stroking his hair out of his face.

"Okay, I'm back." I felt Louis wrap his arms back around me and he sighed.

"It won't be for long.. Just until your feelings are gone! It's not that bad, Harry." Simon explained.

 "It sounds bad to me." I mumbled.

 "It'll be fine. You're leaving tomorrow at 8 am. A car will be waiting for you. Have a good day Harry, tell the boys I say hi."

 "Okay. Bye Simon." I hung up and flung my head back, groaning.

"Fuck." I whispered. This was not going to be fun.

 "What's going on?" Louis mumbled with his face pressed to my chest.

 "I'll tell you when the other lads wake up. I'm not explaining this more than once." I felt Louis nod and he cuddled into me.

"You're so cuddly." My heart skipped a beat and my stomach fluttered.

"You're so cute, Lou." I whispered under my breath.

 "What was that?" Louis asked. I froze and mumbled "nothing" before getting up and making tea in the kitchen. To my surprise, Zayn was cooking breakfast, with a tired looking Niall clinging to him. Niall had his arms wrapped around Zayn's waist, and head resting on Zayn's shoulder with his eyes closed.

"Morning lovebirds." I said as I walked in. This scared Niall and his eyes shot open. When he realized it was me, he shut his eyes again, and mumbled a good morning. Zayn remained focused on the eggs and bacon he was making.

 "Morning Zayn." I tried. His eyes met mine slowly and I could tell he was still hurt.

"Morning." he said quietly. Louis stumbled into the kitchen, half asleep, and did the same thing that Niall was doing to Zayn, except he hugged me from the side.

 "Why did you get up?" Louis asked groggily.

 "I was going to make some tea." I said, kissing his head lightly.

"Awe! Who's the lovebirds now?" Niall cooed. I gave him the finger and he laughed into Zayn's back. Liam walked down the stairs wide awake.

"Morning boys!" he chirped. We all groaned in response and Niall started setting the table. Alright. I better tell them now.

"Erm lads?" I asked, getting everyone’s attention. "

Simon called me, and well.. Erm.. Basically.. I'm um.. Going home for a little while?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me in shock. Even Louis let go of me to look at me.

"What?! Why?!" they asked in unison.

"I have some.. Things I need to take care of." I said slowly.

 "When will you be back?" Louis asked with tears in his eyes.

 "Whenever I feel like I'm ready." I said unsure. It was silent for a moment before Louis spoke up again.

"You told me you wouldn't leave me.." Louis said looking at the ground. He had a lone tear running down his cheek so I stepped forward to wipe it off. He took a step back, avoiding my touch. I'm not going to lie, that hurt like a bitch.

 "Lou.." I pleaded, hoping he would at least look at me.

 "These secrets and lies.. They hurt like hell..." he spoke as more tears left his eyes.

 "I love you, you know?" he started. I smiled a little, my heart was pounding in my chest. But then he continued and my smile faltered.

 "You're my best friend but you keep hurting me, time after time." He looked around and noticed that all eyes were on him.

"Louis." I said, with desperation in my voice. He just shook his head, then walked up stairs. I was about to follow him when Liam told me to just leave it alone. We sat there eating in silence. The only sound was Louis blasting sad music from his room.

"You guys know why I have to do this, right?" I asked hopefully. They all nodded and I let out a sigh of relief. "But is hurting Louis really worth getting over him?" Niall asked slowly.

"He's not the only one hurting, Niall!" I yelled. Niall shut his mouth and played with his food.

 "He didn't mean it babe." Zayn said, grabbing Niall's hand gently. I watched how Zayn was so gentle with Niall; how his thumb slowly rubbed over Niall's skin. Niall looked at Zayn with such a loving, intense look, which made me wonder.. Would Louis ever look at me like that? Then I was reminded that Louis was cooped up in his room, crying. And suddenly I lost my appetite. I pushed my plate away, and made my way upstairs. I went to Louis room and without even knocking I opened the door. He was sitting on his bed with a lighter in his hands. He stared at the flame for a while before finally acknowledging my presence. When he saw me, he set down the lighter, turned his music off, and turned so his back was facing me. 'I love you, Lou. So so so much. I just wish I could tell you.' I thought before walking over to him, and kneeling in front of him. I just looked at him for a while, watching as he looked everywhere but at me. Knowing he wouldn't talk to me I sighed, and stood up. I cupped his face with my hands and placed a long, loving kiss on his forehead.

"I love you, remember that." I mumbled against his skin. I pulled away and walked into my own room, without looking back.

When I looked at the clock again it was already 3:30 pm. I guess time flies when you're packing. I stared at the suitcases that sat on the cold hardwood floor. I packed two, not knowing how long it would take for me to get over my best friend. I stayed in my room the rest of the night, and when it reached 8:00 the following morning, I went outside into the cab that was waiting for me, without even saying goodbye.

Give You All My Heart (Larry- EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora