Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You guys said I love you?" Zayn asked taking a sip of his beer. Zayn and I were hanging out in mine and Louis' "Love Nest" while Lou and Niall did some shopping. "Yup." I said, popping the p. "How are you and Niall, relationship wise?" I wondered out loud. Zayn smiled and leaned back in his chair. "I love him, Haz. So fucking much. I think he's the one." he confessed. I choked on my beer, coughing to get it out of my chest. "Excuse me?" I asked not sure if I heard right. Zayn just nodded with a goofy grin. "You've only been dating for a little over three months. Marriage.. That's a big deal." I told him, placing the bottle to my lips. "But I've known him for nearly two and a half years." Zayn said shrugging. I smiled. "If that's what makes you happy, then I'm happy." I told him. "How are you and Lou?" Zayn asked. "Amazing.. Although every time I try to go farther with him he like freaks out." I sighed. "Well he's just scared, Haz. I was too!" Zayn explained. "Yeah but you let me suck you off and we weren't even dating! What if he doesn’t want to go further because he doesn’t actually love me?” I said, slumping at my own  thought. “Harry that is bullshit. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and that’s not the reason. Just give him time, he’ll come around.” Zayn said encouragingly. We heard laughter and the door opened, revealing a giggling Louis and Niall. They were carrying tons of bags along with them, and they set them down by the door. “Hi babe.” I said smiling at Louis. He sat down on my lap, grabbing my arms and wrapping them around his waist, then taking a sip of my beer. “I love you.” he said burying his face in my neck. I looked at Zayn who had an “I told you so” look on his face. “I love you too baby.” I replied, hugging him close to me.

“Well we should probably get going.” Zayn said standing up with Niall. “Bye lovebirds!” Niall called out, winking at Louis and I. “I missed you..” Louis said again into my neck. “You were gone for like two hours?” I reminded him. “So I’m not allowed to miss my boyfriend?” he asked pouting, “Did you even miss me?” he added, hurt. What the Hell? “Of course I missed you boo!” I tried. “No, you’re just saying that.” I accused, shaking his head and getting up. “Louis stop.” I said, standing up and grabbing his wrist. “Let go.” he said, tears in his eyes. “Boo why are you acting so strange?” I was so confused. “I’m not! Im sorry I just missed you and I’m sorry I love you, and do everything to show you how much I truly do!” he screamed. Now I was getting mad. Why is he yelling? “Well that’s not true.” I mumbled. “What is that supposed to mean?” he asked, offended. “I mean if you truly loved me you would actually get intimate with me!” I yelled, getting equally upset. “You think just because I wont fuck you, I don’t love you?!” he sobbed, crying hysterically. “Well fine Harry, if you want someone to love you go fuck Zayn for all I care! I’m done with this and your ass is sleeping on the couch tonight!” he screamed before storming off to our bedroom and slamming the door. What the fuck did I just do? I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands, sighing loudly. “ I cant believe I just said that to him.” I muttered to myself. I heard Louis talking to someone, so I quietly walked to our room and put my ear up against the door. “No he told me that just because I wont sleep with him, that I don’t love him!” I felt so bad.. It was silent as he was waiting for someone to respond. “Mum, I told him that if he wanted someone to love him, he should go fuck Zayn. And then I told him to sleep on the couch!” my boyfriend cried. “What if he doesn’t accept my apology and what if he decides that he wants someone better and leaves?!” I would never leave Louis, I could never do that to him. “You have to say that, you’re my mum!” Louis complained, causing me to smile at the older boy. “I don’t know I’ve been thinking about it.. I got a lighter the other day, one to light candles.. Or that’s what I told Harry..” I heard Louis mumble quietly. I checked the door, it wasn’t locked.

 I swung the door open and walked up to Louis, glaring at him. “Where the Hell is it?” I growled. “Uhm Mum? I um have to go. I love you too. Bye.” he set his phone down and hung his head, avoiding eye contact with me. “Louis William Tomlinson I swear to fucking god.” I said. “Why do you care?! I don’t love you, remember?! So you shouldn’t love me!” he yelled, new tears prickling his eyes. “Louis I didn’t mean what I said, I promise.” I tried, sitting down next to him and placing a hand on his knee. I pressed my head against his temple and kissed his cheek. “I love you, okay? And I will wait forever for you.  Please don’t forget that.” I said closing my now tear filled eyes. It now just hit me; I realized how much I don’t want to lose this boy.. He was my whole world and I promised to never leave him. “I know I’ve been a bad boyfriend, and I know you could do a thousand times better but I’m going to make it up to you. Anything you want is yours.” I told him, kissing a few tears off his cheek. “You’re my whole world, you know?” Louis croaked from next to me. “And for you to doubt my love for you.. Makes me feel like I don’t show you how much I love you.” he said, staring at the ground. “I do love you” he said, his eyes meeting mine. “I know.” I whispered, leaning closer to hips lips. “I’m sorry” I mumbled against his soft, sweet lips. “Me too.” Louis mumbled before pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was soft, loving, and short, but that’s all we needed to show each other how much we cared. Louis pulled away looking into my green eyes. “I’m taking you on a date tomorrow.” he stated, a small smile playing on his lips. “Maybe I wanted to take you on a date.” I joked, pecking his lips. He shook his head. “No, you took me on our first date and now I have to take you on one. And trust me, this will be a date you wont forget.” he claimed, kissing my nose gently. 

The rest of the night we spent cuddling, cooking dinner together (which ended with a food fight) cleaned up the kitchen, drinking endless glasses of wine, and watching Lifetime movies. It was absolutely perfect. Our relationship was perfect. Louis is perfect. Our date is going to perfect.. But the whole time I couldn’t help but wonder what would make tomorrow’s date so unforgettable. 


Oh my god this chapter really is so short. But i had terrible writers block and just didnt know what to do! I pinky promise that the next chapter will be better and longer and maybe even a little sexier *wink wink* again, im sorry for the length.

***I reaaaaallllllly want to know what my readers think and i know ive asked before, and nothing happened but i would REALLY appreciate feedback.. pwease? i give you a cookie and maybe some frozen yogurt? (: yes i know you like fro yo, so COMMENT. come, come.


love Alli<3 :D

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