Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Awe that's so cute!" we heard Niall coo from the other side of the door. "Niall I love you but shut up!" Zayn whisper-yelled at his boyfriend. I pulled away from Louis yet again, hitting his legs. He got the hint and unwrapped his legs. I walked over to the door, unlocked it, and pulled it open to reveal Liam, Zayn and Niall frozen. "You lads are terrible at eavesdropping." I told them with a raised eyebrow. They just stood there and stared at me. "Go away!" I said, chuckling. They all scurried away and I felt arms wrap around my waist. I groaned. "Louis!" I whined. "Only I can do that to you!" I complained turning around in his arms. He looked up to me and giggled, kissing my jaw line softly. "What do you want to do?" I asked Louis, my hand gently running up and down his back. “As long as I’m with you it doesn’t matter.” he said with a crooked smile. “That was so cheesy, Boo.” he frowned, and I pecked his lips. “But it was cute.” I added. “Lets cuddle and watch a movie in your bed?” Louis asked biting his lip. God he doesn’t know what he does to me. “Okay, but can you just.. Stop biting your lip?” I asked trying not to look at him. If he continued I’m almost positive I would take him then and there against the sink, and I don’t think he’s ready for that yet. “Why?” he asked cocking his head to the side. Is he really that clueless? “Because if you don’t I might have to rip your clothes off and fuck you senseless?” it came out as more of a question, because I wasn’t sure how he would react. “Oh.. Sorry..” Louis said looking at the ground. I knew he was uncomfortable with the thought. “I’m sorry, let’s just go watch the movie, yeah?” I asked, pulling on his hand. “Im gonna change into comfy clothes first, I’ll be there in a minute.” he said softly, kissing my cheek softly. I just nodded and slowly walked into my room, hitting the wall in frustration. “Keep this up Styles, and you’ll scare him off for good” I mumbled to myself, then changed into just a pair of sweatpants. 

Louis came in a few minutes later in a pair of pajama pants and a long sleeved t-shirt. I smiled at the adorable boy infront of me. “What do you wanna watch?” I asked, looking through my DVD collection. “doesn’t matter.” Louis mumbled as he climbed into my bed. “The Hunger Games?” I asked, holding up the case. “Yeah that’s fine.” he said, eyes focused on the TV, which was off. I put it in and pressed play, then crawled towards Louis on my bed. I sat up against the headboard and opened my arms. Louis crawled next to me and rested his head on my shoulder, and his hand on my bare stomach. I pulled the blanket over us and pulled Lou even closer to me. We laid there in silence, as I watched the movie, and Louis drew shapes on my stomach. He just watched his finger move around, with a sad look on his face. “Boo, what’s wrong?” I asked running my fingers through his hair. “You could have anyone you want.” He said, still focused on his hand. “You could have anyone and yet you picked me. The one who is terrified at the thought of getting intimate with another guy; the one who cant give you everything you want… and yet you pick me. I guess.. I guess I just don’t understand.” he said shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t care about all those things, Boo. Just as long as I can call you mine, and I can hold you, and kiss you, and shower you with love, I don’t care about all those things.” I told him honestly. He sat up and looked me in the eyes. “You want me to be yours?” he asked, with a small smile on his face. “More than anything.. Be my boyfriend?” I asked, chewing on my bottom lip. “Of course.” he said, his smiling transforming into a large grin. He leaned in and kissed my lips lovingly, and we just sat there with our lips pressed together.

“You’re so perfect.” I whispered against his lips. He shook his head and mumbled, “Perfect people don’t put scars on their own bodies. Im disgusting.” I pulled away and grabbed his face, looking directly into his eyes. “You are so beautiful you have no idea.” I started off. (A/N hey look The A Team is on the radio again. That’s twice in one day<3) “Those scars are a part of you, they make you, you. And they don’t define who you are.. You amazing, and gorgeous, and absolutely stunning in my eyes.” I told him quietly. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure you feel beautiful." I finished off, kissing his lips once again. When we pulled away, I wiped away his tears and he smiled. "Aaaaaand I'm also taking you on a date tomorrow!" I said happily. "Wh-What if people see us?" Louis asked completely worried. "Don't worry." I assured him. "No one will see us." i kissed his forehead and he cuddled closer to me. "Alright love, if you insist." Louis muttered, closing his eyes. Soon enough I heard soft snores coming from my boyfriend's mouth. Boyfriend. That was a term I would never get used to.

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