Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Harry’ POV**

It’s 3:03 am and I cant sleep. I looked down at the miserable boy sleeping on my chest. My heart ached, as did my eyes. They stung from the crying I’ve done ever since Louis feel asleep. Louis slept peacefully with his head on my chest and his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, as if he was afraid I’d leave him again. But, he was afraid. He was terrified that I would leave him. He told me that as I cleaned up the pieces of the smashed lighter. Then he begged me to stay and sleep with him and I, of course, couldn’t say no to the desperate sad boy before me. This wasn’t good for me because I was gone for a whole fucking month to get over him, and then I end up cuddling him as he slept. This wasn’t right, and I knew that. But no matter how much my head screamed at me to go to my own room, my heart couldn’t deny his request. And they always say listen to your heart. So I did.

That’s why I’m laying here, replaying the moment when I fought Louis to look at his arms, the moment when he tried to hurt himself again, then moment when I held him close to me, promising him I wouldn’t leave him. Those moments would stay with me forever; seeing Louis at the weakest I’ve ever seen him. I sighed and shook my head, trying so desperately to remove the images that haunted my mind. I slowly stroked Louis’ hair out of his face, my fingers just grazing his skin. “Mmm, Haz.” Louis mumbled against my bare chest, his hot breath hitting my skin. “Why are you still up?” he asked with his eyes closed. “Couldn’t sleep..” I whispered quietly. He looked up and our eyes met in the dark room. “Why?” he asked. I sighed and closed my eyes, putting my head farther into the pillow. “Got a lot on my mind.” I said shrugging. “Like what?” he challenged. “Nothing Lou. Just go back to sleep.” I told him, pushing his head down on my chest again. “If something’s bothering you..” he started. “No Lou, it’s nothing. Just go to bed, for me?” I asked, hoping he would just listen to me. “Fine. But only for you. Love you Harry.” he said. I breathed out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Love you too, Boo.” I told him as I continued pushing his hair out of his face. After a while I finally heard soft snores coming from Louis. I smiled and closed my eyes, trying to find sleep.

I woke up to a cold, empty bed. I groaned as I pulled the blanket up to my chin, trying to get warm again. As I was about to drift off to sleep again I heard yelling and laughter after that. Who the hell is being so loud so damn early? I sat up and rubbed my eyes, before heading down to the kitchen. The kitchen was a mess, food all over the walls, counters and floor. Niall was sitting on the counter, with Zayn between his legs and they were snogging the hell out of each other. “GUYS! Get a room!” I yelled, causing them to both jump. “We have a room.” Niall replied cheekily, “And we’ll go to it!” he added, dragging a blushing Zayn upstairs. “DON’T BE TOO LOUD!” I yelled after them. I DO NOT want to hear two of my best mates having sex. No thank you. Well, unless I’m there too, I guess that would be okay- NO. Bad mind. Dirty mind. I shook the thoughts from my head and looked around. Where’s Louis?! “Boo?” I called out. “Living room!” he responded. I went into the living room and he was sitting there watching TV. I plopped down next to him and laid my head on his lap. “You weren’t there when I woke up.” I pouted, looking up at Louis’ face. “Yeah well some of us don’t sleep until 12:30 in the afternoon.” he smirked, eyes still trained on the television. I frowned, and felt my phone vibrate. 1 new message from.. Simon. Fuck.

From Simon:

I heard you are home. Mind stopping by around 1:30-ish?

I groaned.

From Harry:

Fine, I’ll see you soon.

I locked my phone and ran a hand down my face. “Who was that?” Louis asked. “Simon. Im supposed to stop by his office and chat with him.” I mumbled, annoyed. “I don’t want you to go..” Louis said more to himself. “I have to Lou, Simon’s orders.” “Then can I come with you?” Louis begged. “Hold on. Let me ask.”

From Harry:

Can Louis come too?

From Simon:

Fine. But he has to sit outside the room.

“Okay you can come but you have to stay outside the room while we talk. Now go get ready.” I sat up, kissed his forehead, and got up to shower.

About an hour later I found myself sitting infront of Simon, in his rather large office. “So I presume everything worked out if you’re back already.” Simon asked, looking at some papers infront of him. “Yes.” I said. “Good.” He replied looking at me now. “I have a quick question.” “Shoot.” he mumbled. “What if- what if my feelings came back, and I told Louis, and he would just happen to feel the same way. What then?” I asked, staring at the ground. “Well I guess we’d cross that bridge if we ever get to it.” Simon replied with a shrug. “Would you have a.. problem with it?” I asked nervously. I don’t even know why I’m asking these things. Im over Louis, and Louis’ straight. Maybe it’s because I know how easy it is to fall for the older boy. “I, personally do not. But there are gonna be people who would have a problem with it. You might lose fans..” he trailed off. I just nodded. “Right well that’s it then. Good to see you, Harry.” Simon said standing up. “Same to you, bye sir.”

I walked out of the room and Louis stood up. “Ready” he asked. I nodded and we made our way back to my car. We were driving back home when Louis spoke up. “Can we stop at a gas station?” Louis asked looking out the window. “Why?” I asked focusing on the road. “Ineedanewligther.” he said quietly. “What was that?” I asked. “I um, need a new lighter.” he said louder. I looked at him like he had just kicked a puppy. “Are you serious?!” I asked him completely shocked. “Well, yeah.” he said. “No. I am not letting you buy a new lighter. In fact, when we get home, I am going raid your room to find anything you can hurt yourself with, and you will be under my watch every fucking minute. Clear?” I said through clenched teeth. “That’s not fair.” Louis said sassily. “Well I’m not letting you hurt yourself anymore, so I think it’s pretty damn fair.” I was getting angry now. I was home now! Why would he still want to hurt himself. We pulled up to our flat, and I went with my word. I went in Louis’ room and took everything he could potentially hurt himself with, then put them in my closet. “I wish you would just trust me.” Louis said while following me around like a lost puppy. It was quite cute actually. No. No it wasn’t. I didn’t think Louis was cute. Not at all. “You now have to gain my trust, Tomlinson.” I said, then laid down on my bed. He joined me, laying on his side so he could look at me. “In fact, let me see your arms.” I demanded. “Fine.” Louis rolled up his sleeves and showed me his wrists. No change. Good. “Good boy.” I said then kissed his forehead, my lips tingled when they touched his skin and I pulled back sharply. “I’m not a fucking dog.” Louis mumbled. Im not falling for him again. Im just not.

** Skipping to then next day ‘cause imma badass mofo**

We all sat on the couch for the interview and were asked the same boring questions. I zoned out for the most part, before they asked Liam, Louis and I if we liked anyone. Liam responded with a no, as did I, but Lou’s answer surprised. “Well, I might fancy someone.” Louis said with a cheeky smile on his face. Um excuse me? Oh hell no. Why hasn’t he told me?! Bitch swerve, not cool. “Oh really?” the interviewer asked, leaning forward in her seat. “Care to tell us who?” She challenged. Bitch, if he didn’t even tell me, he’s sure not gonna tell you. “Nope. It’s a secret, sorry love.” he replied with a wink. What. The. Hell. I am going to blow the fuck up. “Well that’s all we have time for! Boys, its been awesome being here with you and I hope to see you attractive lads soon.” We all stood up and hugged her, and I noticed she slipped her number into Louis’ back pocket, her hand lingering on his ass. That ass is mine! No, its not. His ass is not mine, that’s just wrong. But seriously, usually I was the one getting numbers from interviewers, not Louis!

When we got in the car I was pissed. Pissed at the damn interviewer for flirting with Louis. Pissed at Louis for flirting back. And pissed at myself, for falling for Louis, yet again.


It's so short I know, but it's a filler, and i have terrible writer's block right now. i really want to watch The Strangers.. that would make me really happy! Alright well i dont really have much to say, except that i have much more reads now!(: That makes me happy! At driver's ed yesterday, we talked about squirells.. i laughed. (*nudge nudge* Sam c; )

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Loveee Al Pal<3 (idk my friend angely calls me. whatever i like it.)


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