Gracious Game 6

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[Imma gonna try a sex scene....bear with me][<--- That's sort of a warning, I guess]

Chapter 6: Does This Disgust You, My Love?


            Sasuke's heart thudded thunderously against his chest as he stepped nearer to Naruto. Said boy quickly took two steps backward, only to find that there was nowhere else to head. Naruto had trapped himself between a shelf of Wheat Thins© and a troubled teen that loved him. His crystalline eyes were wide with fear and hesitation. His thin chest rose quickly; up, down, up, down. There was a frown forming and his brows were creased in worry. 

            Stretching his hand forward, Sasuke's hands skimmed the scarred cheek softly. The small display of affection caused Naruto to blush uncontrollably. His thin figure shivered with undeniable pleasure and a small whimper escaped when Sasuke removed his hand. Giving a deep sigh and closing his eyes, Sasuke tried to calm his growing erection and the erratic beat of his heart muscle. Suddenly, a pair of lips ascended onto his with a hunger that made Sasuke's onyx eyes pop open. Two blue orbs stared back with a challenge.

            Which Sasuke readily took.

            None too gently, he shoved Naruto up against the shelves never once breaking the heated kiss. A couple of boxes were shoved to the floor and fell with a small thud. This kiss of hidden lust and undeniable greed began. The two tongues clashed in an epic battle over dominance. Lips were bruised and teeth shone in the light. Saliva was exchanged and swallowed between the war of lips. The need for each other's taste and touch was obvious as their hands explored the clothed opposite. Sliding up shirts and through the silky tresses, the raven soon won over the kiss and shove his hips against Naruto's, feeling the vibration of said boy's moan travel through his body. This simple display made him groan in response. Sasuke's hands lightly lifted Naruto's cotton shirt and let his calloused hands feather the soft contours of his muscled chest. His thumbs created small circles into the boy's hip bones as he deepened the kiss further. Plunging his tongue into every corner and crevice not yet tasted. The sharp yet sweet flavor of Naruto addicted Sasuke into its powerful grip.

            Naruto broke the kiss for a much needed breath of oxygen but Sasuke wasn't finished. Not yet. Instead of rushing Naruto into more mouth clashes, Sasuke nibbled and sucked down the arching neck. Leaving a visible hickey every once in a while, the raven licked and teased the fragile boy. A soft moan exploded from Naruto throat as he tugged onto Sasuke's locks.

            Getting impatient, both shirts were completely removed and discarded to the pantry floor. Two cold fingertips traced the toned chest of the raven as the two stood staring for a few seconds before continuing. Giving a shiver, Sasuke couldn't control himself much longer.

            “Naruto ...” his voice huskily said as he swallowed deeply. The blonde looked up from where he was placing teasing butterfly kisses along Sasuke's chest.

            “Yes?” he said innocently.

            “I need you.”

            A grin slyly slid up the blonde's mouth, more smug than Sasuke would like. Getting even closer to Sasuke, his finger's rubbed the bulge in front. Moaning heavily, Sasuke burst forward and straddled the small waist. He laid the fragile body on the cold floor and without hesitation stripped Naruto of his black pants and boxers to see a hard erection just waiting to be played with. The hands that had once been drawing small circles on the chest, were feeling the smooth skin of Naruto's cock. When Naruto gave a low moan of pleasure, Sasuke smirked. Deciding to go further he started to suck and nibbled gently along Naruto's length. Slight moans shuddered from the blonde, suggesting that he was enjoying this. At a flick of the tongue, Naruto's sensitive area began its ascend into bliss. 


            When Sasuke touched Naruto's sensitive area, sparks exploded behind his eyelids and moans of pleasure slid through his throat. The kisses tasted heavenly and the touch was addicting. He couldn't believe that Sasuke was touching him this way. In a way that made lust, love, and affection course though Naruto's veins. He had always believed he would be forever alone. The way Sasuke was looking at him and feeling his skin, suggested otherwise. As the nibbling and sucking became too much for Naruto to hold it back, he yelled, “SASUKE!!” and came heavily into Sasuke's cavern. Hungrily, a pink tongue licked the access cum from his cheeks and lips.

            Just when Naruto thought they had finished, a burning pierced through his rear. Giving a yelp of discomfort, his blue eyes looked downward. There was a sweating Sasuke, with his finger's … where Naruto least expected them to be. Feeling another burning sensation, Naruto could swear he felt a scissoring motion inside. The burning feeling didn't go away but Naruto could feel something underneath the pain. A pleasure of sorts. Concentrating on the small fragment of pure ecstasy, Naruto felt his back arch and suppressed a moan.

            Sasuke removed the fingers from inside and looked Naruto dead in the eyes, “Are you ready?”

            Whimpering, Naruto nodded. He knew what was to come. Sasuke was going to be inside him. Naruto was going to feel his warmth, his being. This was what he wanted. What he had secretly always wanted.

            Naruto watched as Sasuke position his cock over Naruto's hole and started to thrust himself a bit. Biting his lip, Naruto felt himself being stretched and consumed. The pain was undeniable and Sasuke gave a groan and he worked himself into a repeating rhythmical thrust.

            Crying out, Naruto clawed at Sasuke back, making it cut and bleed. The thrusts became harder and hungrier. Naruto's body followed the beat of the pushes and pulls. A sheen of sweat covered the two as they continued through the cries and beats. This was Naruto needed. This feeling of passion and love.

            He needed to know that someone loved him.


            It wasn't that it was awkward to listen to the beating and screams of the two lovers in the pantry, it was the fact that Sakura just noticed that she had only invited thirteen people to the party. Ten had already had their fun and two had left to go to do God-knows-what-together.

            Staring at Chouji, Sakura immediately felt she had to make up for the fact that the poor eating boy had no one to kiss. Just when she was about to go give him a kiss on the cheek, a strangled moan came from the pantry. TenTen jumped up from her chair, obviously the noises coming from the pantry were starting to get to her. All of a sudden she yelled, “Anyone wanna play a board game?”

            Everyone agreed readily, happy to leave the two lovers finish.

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