Gracious Game 5

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Chapter 5: Over the Limit of Love


            TenTen asked kindly if anyone wanted some of this awesome chocolate she had gotten over vacation. She had gone to Germany and they have spectacular chocolate. Most of the party-goers said yes and TenTen started her way through the living room, passing a window that looked onto the porch. Something caught TenTen's eyes and she peered through the glass, curious. What she saw shocked her.

            Was that Kiba and Shikamaru? TenTen squinted trying to see even better. There at the end of the porch was Shikamaru kissing Kiba. And being none to gentle about it either. By the looks of it Kiba didn't seem to mind. In fact, it looked like he was kissing back.


            Kiba moaned as Shikamaru's skilled tongue traced itself across the inside of Kiba's mouth. Damn, Kiba tasted so good. The kiss hadn't been intentional. Shikamaru had no control as his body forced itself upon the younger male. But in the end, Shikamaru had no complaints and he felt up the boy's thin but muscular body.

            The taller male pushed Kiba against the railing of the porch and gave himself a chance to better his range. Kiba's arms were around Shikamaru's waist and one of his hands was in the dark hair that had escape from the pony. Shikamaru's hands were busy tracing the abs that were so well hidden under the cotton shirt Kiba wore. Taking dominance proved to be a challenge as Shikamaru's tongue clashed and tangled with Kiba's. Going deeper and rougher, Shikamaru kissed the younger boy until he felt Kiba's lips begin to bruise. Even so, Kiba seemed to still want to explore the wet cavern that was Shikamaru's mouth.

            Smirking, the dark haired male wiggled his hips against Kiba's and felt said boy shiver as their crotches rubbed against the other's. Kiba moaned low and hungry-like, leaving his mouth open for a second. Taking this chance, Shikamaru took control of the kiss and shoved Kiba up to the railing even harder.


            Kiba's mouth was left vulnerable as Shikamaru's length rubbed against his and Shikamaru's tongue wrapped itself around his. In a sweep of hot passion and need both boys worked their way down the staircase and broke apart, panting heavily for oxygen.

            “Wanna come to my house? It's not like we're needed in there anyway,” Shikamaru murmured in the younger boy's ear, his breath sending tingles all through Kiba's body. As his body shivered, his head nodded.

            Oh, God, yes. He wanted to go with Shikamaru more than anything. Finally, he was able to show his love. There had been no harsh words or awkward pauses. Just passion and love. Kiba smiled broadly and took Shikamaru's out stretched hand. Walking casually, the two males left Sakura's party, not caring whether the other party-goers wonder what had happened or where they had went.


            Sasuke was shocked when he saw a stumbling TenTen walk in with two small chocolate bars. Her face was flushed and she seemed to be breathing heavily. Something must have happened when she had been getting her souvenir to share with the others. Being typical Sasuke, he didn't ask what was wrong or why she was so freaked. She passed a piece of milk chocolate to each party-goer, even those who had not wanted any. Popping the brown square in his mouth, Sasuke was shocked to find that the chocolate tasted heavenly. Sasuke didn't really like chocolate or any sweets for that matter, but being kind, as was his nature (secretly anyway ¬_¬), he had eaten this piece. Whoa those German folk know how to make chocolate! Savoring the last bit of milky sweetness, Sasuke spun the bottle until it started to sway toward the edge of the table. Luckily the bottle didn't smash to the floor as it spun at the very edge of the wood.

            Kiba and Shikamaru had mysteriously disappeared from the party, making the last two options be Naruto and Chouji. Kissing either would be strange and Sasuke's first. He was virgin kisser. Never once had he kissed anyone. Not even a fangirl, as shocking as that may seem. Sasuke was saving his first kiss. First kisses were supposed to be special, right? That's what Sasuke thoughts anyway.

             Did it count as a kiss if it was taken by someone he didn't like?

            He hoped so.

            The Cola bottle was nearing its endless cycles. One more spin went by. Indifferently, Sasuke looked up at the two males that were his Heaven choices.

            ‘Remind me why I came to this party?’ Sasuke thought nervously to himself. Inside he was about to explode. This wouldn't be good. Sasuke expertly kept his thoughts and feelings away from viewers and fought within himself. The bottle continued to spin, catching Sasuke's eye with its mesmerizing circles.

            Two more spins took their turn. Sasuke almost groaned in frustration. Why was this taking so long? Once again, Sasuke looked up. This time though, he looked at those who had gone before him. Sakura and Ino had seemed well off. Gaara was staring openly at Lee, causing the latter to blush and stare at his hands. Hinata looked ready to faint, while Neji looked into space. Shino and TenTen were just sitting in their chairs. No one had acknowledged what the two had done during their turn in Heaven.

            Shrugging, Sasuke turned his attention back to the bottle. The third spin left was nearly over as his onyx eyes filtered over to it. Waveringly, the glass froze on a wide eyed boy. Said boy gave a nervous laugh and stood up, his face blushing shades of red. The chair squeaked at he slid it back into place. His back faced Sasuke as he walked staggeringly to the pantry. The door gave a small click as it shut behind them and the lock (A/N: do pantries have locks? I guess so ...) clunked into place. The lights had been turned off from when TenTen and Shino had gone. Sasuke's pale hand stretched out and steadily flicked it upward, turning it back on.

            Sasuke's now damp forehead leaned against the wooden door as he took a deep breath, try desperately to calm his now hectic heartbeat. He could do this. He was Sasuke Uchiha. Uchiha's don't back down.

            Turning around, Sasuke faced the blushing blonde boy of his dreams.

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