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"These are the kind of little delicate compliments which are always acceptable to the ladies and which I conceive myself particularly bound to pay."

He glances over at Jane as she looks down at her food. I glance at lizzy and brightly smile, he must know that she's soon to be engaged.

"How happy for you, Mr Collins, to possess the talent for flattering with such delicacy."

My papa seems to be trying to make the man fail. I grab my glass and sip a small amount of juice.

"Do these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment or are they the result of previous study?

My sister Jane lightly kicks my leg as I try not to laugh. He looks up from his food for a moment and forcefully smiles.

"They arise chiefly from what is passing at the time, and though I do sometimes amuse myself with arranging such little elegant compliments, I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible."

I smile and set my glass down, I look at him as it gets quiet.

"Believe me, no one would suspect your manners to be rehearsed."

Lydia starts to laugh but quickly tried to cover it with a coughing fit. I hit her back as she drinks some of the juice, I smile and watch it.

"After dinner I thought I might read to you all for an hour or two. I have with me Fordyce's Sermons which speak very eloquently on all matters moral."

He shyly glances back over to Jane, I look at lizzy.

"Are you familiar with Fordyce's Sermons, Miss Bennet?"

She just looks at him, I smile and continue to eat.


Everyone is sitting down in the main chambers. I'm sitting down near my oldest sisters watching the flames contrast against the darkness of the room.

Mama and Mr. Collins are speaking quietly near the frame. I look over at Jane as she yawns, I do the same and lightly stand up. I bow and excuse myself out of the room, I make my way up to our shared room.


I wake up and noticed that the girls have already gotten up. I sit up and get dressed, I causally walk downstairs and smile at my family.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be ready down by the river."

Papa nods while mama quickly gets up and walks over to me.

"Adelaide dear, why don't you go into town with the girls. Pick some pretty ribbons for the ball."

"Mama, I already have ribbons for the ball. Today is the day for me to relax and get some light reading done."

She huffed and walked away, I smile at my father as the stable boy comes around front with Obsidian.

"Love you."

I walk out and get onto the horse, I make my way through the fields and large walkways. I love how the golden glow from the sun reflects on the natural scenery of earth.

Nature has always been something that I've wanted, it would be displayed around my home and it would be inviting for everyone.

I smile as I continue the ride, I was soon pulled back to reality when I heard my name being called by two all familiar voices.

"Miss Adelaide.."

I turn to see Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy coming over to me. I smile at them as they arrive on my side.

"How are you and Mr. Darcy enjoying the afternoon."

He smiled and looks to his friend for a moment, he turns to me and I lightly laugh.

"I say we are enjoying it to the most extent."

I nod and look over at Mr. Darcy, he seems to be watching me and Obsidian.

"So you're the owner of the beauty."

I start to rub my horses head and smile, he's my most prized possession.

"Yes, I'm very sorry if he has caused you any trouble while we stayed."

Mr. Bingley quickly shakes his head as to say nothing at all.

"What are you doing this evening."

I look back to the extremely happy man. He always seems to smile no matter the situation.

"I'm doing a bit of reading and drawing while my sisters are in town. They're looking for ribbon, I wanted to have something to do since I'm already finished."

They nod and I look to the darkness forest, I smile and turn to the slightly older men.

"If you'll excuse me, I may want to get started before to late."

Mr. Bingley smiles as I grab the reins and pull back.

"Good day, see you tonight."

I start to race off, not realizing what I left behind. I finally get to a good tree with lots of shade. I get off of my horse and tie his reins to a tree branch, he still has plenty of room.


It's been a few hours and I've gotten through about half of the book while drawing a few pictures of small things. I stand up and go to leave when I hear voices, I can't tell who they are but it's familiar. I move around the tree and I see lizzy with a milita man. She glances up and they both come over to me.

"Hello lizzy"

She smiles and I look to the man.

"Adelaide meet Mr. Wickham. He's a Lieutenant for the militia."

I smile at him, we move back over to the tree. I smile at my sister and I sit down.

"Do you plan to go to the Netherfield ball, then, Mr Wickham?"


He looks down at us for a moment and I feel as if something is wrong.

"How long has Mr Darcy been a guest there?"

"About a month."

I look between them for a minute before speaking again.

"Forgive me, but are you acquainted with him?With Mr Darcy?"

"Indeed. I've been connected with his family since infancy. You may well be surprised, especially given our cold greeting this afternoon."

Bestowing Pride with Forgetting PrejudiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora