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I lightly laugh and look back at the moonlight, he comes to the railing just beside me.

"If you must know, the dancing was to much for me. I love the influence and example it sets but I don't enjoy how social your suppose to be."

He doesn't say anything, I look at his side profile and he doesn't move. I watch as the cascade slowly comes undone, even if it isn't gone.

"I'd rather sit outside under a nice shady tree and read or bask in the sun while listening to nature speak."

He slowly turns to face me, I just smile.

"I'd rather sit still for hours and talk to my sisters than to go out in town and speak of ribbons and what dress is suitable with how society sees women."

I make eye contact with him, I see the division with what he wants. I do hope he chooses soon, I've been in battle with myself many times over and each time it gets harder.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to go speak to my father."

I bow and turn to the double doors. I pull my dress up a bit and walk out. I get into the hall where my father is standing with my overbearing mother. I smile and grab his hand, I bow to mother and pull him away.

"How has our library been, is it still well father."

He smiles and looks at me, he nods and it makes me happy.

"I'm glad, I have two new books to add to the large collection."

"Good, I've been meaning to bring some soon. I was wanting to redo the shelving before you arrived."

"Oh father, the shelves are fine. We keep them safe by storing so many books."

"I agree, now let's get back to the party. You should dance at least once."

"You know I don't like the social aspects that come with it."

"Adelaide, most of these men are strangers. You'll mostly likely never see them again."

I nod and start to walk away, I get to the end of the dancing course when I hear his angelic voice speaking to Mr. Bingley.

"I've never seen so many pretty girls in my life."

"You were dancing with the only handsome girl in the room."

"She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld. But her sister, Adelaide, is very agreeable."

"Perfectly adequate, I dare say, but even she is  not handsome enough to tempt me. You'd better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles. You're wasting your time with me."

I quietly laugh to myself as I make my way over to my sisters. Lizzy pulls me into the dance line as the music starts again.

I shake my head no but I eventually give in to both Lizzy and Jane's partial objections. We're dancing around and the song finally ends after two sets.

Everyone begins to clap as lizzy pulls Jane over to us. We are pulled into Mr. Bingley and mama, it seems even Mr. Darcy wants to join a civil conversation.

"Your friend, Miss Lucas, is a most amusing young woman."

Elizabeth smiles and looks at me, I do the same.

"Oh, yes. I adore her."

"It is a pity she's not more handsome."

I look at my mama and frown, I turn to face Mr. Bingley and he seems to be shocked.


"But Lizzie nor Adelaide will admit that she's plain."

She starts laughing and I just stand there, this is why I don't like having mama around others. She seems to think she needs to belittle people for her own purpose.

"Of course, it's my Jane who is considered the beauty of the county."

"No, Mama. Mama, please."

"When she was only 15 there was a gentleman so much in love with her that I was sure he would make her an offer. However, he did write her some very pretty verses."

She stops talking and I look at my sisters Lizzy speaks up and I smile.

"And that put paid to it. I wonder who first discovered the power of poetry in driving away love?"

"I thought that poetry was the food of love."

I look up at Mr. Darcy and catch his brown eyes. They hold silent strength, and resilience, I step closer and keep our eyes focused on each other.

"Of a fine, stout love, it may. But if it is only a vague inclination, I'm convinced one poor sonnet will kill it stone dead."

"So what do you recommend to encourage affection?"

He glances at Mr. Bingley only for a second and I may very well be the only one who caught the gesture.

"Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable."

I continue to smile as I bow to the others and distance myself from them. I start to walk away and through the doors. For the last few hours of the night I kept away from Mr. Darcy but every so often I did happen to feel eyes on me. I did however look his way a few times after our encounter with his later statements.


We arrived home and I went straight to the room I use to share with Jane and Lizzy. I sit down in the old bed and watch as they follow suit. I get into my nightgown and grab a book, I set the candle next to me. I can hear them talking and every so often I would make a comment to the conversation.

"Mr Bingley is just what a young man ought to be. Sensible, good humoured..."

"Handsome, conveniently rich."

I smile as Jane seems to scold her for those often spoken words.

"You know perfectly well I do not believe marriage should be driven by a lot of money."

I keep my eye on the words, I've read for the second time.

"I agree entirely. Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why I will end up an old maid or traveling the world with our aunt and uncle."

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