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I met eyes with his dark brown ones, I scanned his feature and he seemed to be doing the same. His eyes held hope but were also posture and sharp.

He looked to be thinking of something, he may be well-spoken. I step forward and I see he somewhat does the same. His shoulder tight and broad.

The light from the chandelier is hitting him just right, it seems that he is the equivalent of Adonis the god of looks. He may even out do him in the department.

I smile at him as someone clears their throat. I've noticed that I had been standing there staring at the god-like creature in front of me. I lightly turn and bow to the doorman as I make my way over to the party.

My mother and younger sisters are standing with the god-crafted man and two other persons. The music starts up again and people begin to dance.

"Oh Adelaide, What are you doing home so soon."

I turn to my mother and smile, I quickly hug her.

"I wanted to travel back home and see my sisters."

I look to the man and the others again, my mother touches my back as she quickly starts to talk.

"This is the eldest daughter, Adelaide Bennett."

I lead my head forward and bow, they do the same.

"I'm delighted"

The man seems to hold the upmost of self-importance I've ever seen. A man starts talking and I look at him.

"And may I introduce Mr Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire."

So that's the name, Mr. Darcy. I smile and look at the others.

"Miss Bennett, I introduce you to Mr. Bingley and Miss Bingley."

We both make our introductions as my mother starts to talk again.

"Adelaide was in London with my sister and her husband. She's been traveling with them trying to get as much information as she can for her future husband."

I look over at her and lightly frown, she doesn't believe that does she. I turn to my father and he looks at her with assertiveness.

He knows this not to be true, I believe my mother cares about our well-being but she's shows it wrongly. She tries to make the men that puts themselves around me very uncomfortable.

She believes they need to know how wonderful and content we are. Mr. Bingley looks at me and smiles, he has an awkward yet kind smile.

"Do you like London."

"Oh very much, the weather and variety is different than at home. I often spent my days reading on the windowsill."

He smiles at the answer, I see in the corner of my eye that even Mr. Darcy has a small upward smile. He seems to be trying to keep this cascade on tonight. I'll let him keep the act up, just for tonight.

"Mr. Darcy, I've hear of your home in Pemberley. Is the garden quite as magical and daring as they say it is."

"I can not always say, I'm often left to deal with my ordeals but I can ask my sister next time I write to her."

I smile and look at my family, they disperse and I eventually following after making small talk with Miss Bingley. She seems like a charming woman, if not accomplished by many things.

My sisters Lizzy and Jane drag me over to where Mr. Bingley is standing. I look to see the way they stare at each other. Not trying to get catch by the other, he seems to be happily awkward around her.

My sister has always been sky and modest, she hardly ever shown her feelings to me. I'm brought out of the though when I hear of the library. I turn to the slightly taller man and smile.

"The library at Netherfield, I've heard, is one of the finest in the country."

"Yes, it fills me with guilt. I'm not a very good reader, you see. I prefer being out of doors."

We're quiet for a few seconds and he seems to believe we're judging him. I see that he starts to panic.

"I mean, I can read, of course. And I'm not suggesting you can't read out of doors, of course."

My sister quickly helps him as I look to Lizzy.

"I wish I read more, but there always seems to be so many other things to do."

"Yes, that's exactly what I meant."

They continue talking and I glance over at the gentleman near the corner. I smile and watch as he looks around, I hope he finds what he seems to want to find so badly.

His posture asserts that he wasn't wanting to be here but he came anyway. I'm guessing out of respect and insuring of his friend. He makes eye contact for a small moment before I turn away, I look to see my sisters running to mama while Jane starts to dance with Mr. Bingley.

They do seem smitten with each other. Lizzy grabs my hand and moves us closer to Mr. Darcy. She's smiling as I look at him.

"Do you like go dance, Mr. Darcy"

"Not if I can help it."

It becomes silent once again, the music taking over. My sister leaving me at his side. I glance at him, his features are more dominant now that I'm so close.

His eyes seem to spark even if they're dulling while looking around. I lightly bow and walk off towards the balcony outside.

I close my eyes and bask in the darkness contracting the moonlight, and how the music lightly pleasures the setting beautifully.


I rest my hands on the railing and slowly hear footsteps. I lightly open my eyes as they stop just behind me. I lean my head down and bit while turning to face the mystery figure.

"Mr. Darcy why are you not with the others."

"I could say the same to you miss Bennett."

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