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"Do you really believe he liked me"

I smile as I go to speak but Lizzy quickly cuts me off.

"Jane, he danced with you most of the night and stared at you for the rest of it. But I give you leave to like him."

"You've liked many a stupider person. Now, you're a great deal too apt to like people in general, you know. All the world is good and agreeable in your eyes."

"Not his friend."

There a quiet pause and I can only attempt to comprehend what she wants to say.

"Oh, I still can't believe what he said about you or Lizzy."

"Mr Darcy? I believe I could have easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine so. But no matter. I doubt we shall ever speak again."

I blow out the candle and set the book on the stand. I pull the sheets to my shoulders and start to befriend sleep and exhaustion.


I wake up to see the sun just rising, I smile as the ray began to exam our room. The purest of lights hitting our walls and the artifacts I've brought home.

The suns rays coming through the window, it's like they're welcoming me home. The rays have came to comfort me as I get ready for the day.

I get dressed and down to the kitchen as everyone does the same. The maids and helpers start bringing in food as my mama is excitingly talking about the events of last night.

"And then he danced the third with Miss Lucas."

"We were all there, dear."

"Oh, poor thing. It is a shame she's not more handsome. There's a spinster in the making and no mistake. The fourth, with a Miss King, of little standing, and the fifth, again with Jane. "

"If he'd had any compassion for me he would have sprained his ankle in the first set."

I smile as my father looks from my mama to me and Jane. He seems happy with the reaction he caused from her.

"Mr Bennet, the way you carry on, anyone would think our girls look forward to a grand inheritance. When you die, Mr Bennet, which may in fact be very soon, our girls will be left without a roof over their head nor a penny to their name."

I glance over to her and reach for the fork. I frown and she just ignores it.

"Oh, Mama, please, it's 10:00 in the morning"

We're talking when one of the helpers comes to the table, she holds out her hand to Jane.

"A letter addressed to Miss Bennet, ma'am.... from Netherfield Hall."

"Praise the Lord. We are saved."

The girls start laughing as I turn to Jane. She's happy with the name on the letter, she really liked Mr. Bingley.

"Make haste, Jane, make haste. Oh, happy day."

She quickly starts to open it, she scans the letter rather fast.

"It is from Caroline Bingley. She has invited me to dine with her. Her brother will be dining out."

"Dining out?"

She looks at mama and smiles, mama seems to be shaken.

"Can I take the carriage?"

"Where? Let me see that."

She snatches the note from Jane and I frown, I look at my sisters.

"It is too far to walk, Mama."

"This is unaccountable of him. Dining out, indeed."

I look at her frown, I grab her arm and she looks at me.

"Mama. The carriage? For Jane?"

"Certainly not. She'll go on horseback."



Everyone becomes quiet, as I stand up. I look at mama and walk out to the lake. I go to the edge and sit down.


It starts raining and thunder, I see lizzy coming over to the door. Papa opens the door and she stands in the doorway.

"Now she'll have to stay the night. Exactly as I predicted."

My papa comes and stands at the window with her.

"Good grief, woman. Your skills in the art of
matchmaking are positively occult."

My sister smiles at as I turn to mama.

"Though I don't think, Mama, you can reasonably take credit for making it rain."

My sister and papa laugh and turn to me. Mama sighs and walks out of the room. I turn to papa and light smile.


I'm sitting on the couch near the window reading a book. Elizabeth is sitting on the stairs while the rest of the girls are cooking. A helper comes over and smiles.

"A letter addressed to Miss Adelaide."

She hands it to me and quietly walks off, I smile as everyone is watching me.

"It's from Jane."

I open it and quickly skim it, I stop smiling. She must feel awful, mother certainly is making it seem like we want them because of money and reassurance. I look over to lizzy.

"My kind friends will not hear of me returning home until I am better. Do not be alarmed. Excepting a sore throat, a fever and a headache, there is nothing much wrong with me."

I look over at lizzy, she seems to want to say something. It was always the three of us closest to each other. Us being the three oldest, we're were always close because mama would surround us with how we needed to be wed.

"This is ridiculous."

Papa comes into the room and looks at mama, he seems discouraged with how she treats us.

"Well, if Jane does die, it will be a comfort to know it was in pursuit of Mr Bingley."

He walks back towards his office, most likely to get away from mama's nerving attitude towards Mr. Bingleys wealth.

"People do not die of colds."

I look at mama and stand up, I walk closer to the stairs. Elizabeth stands up and look at us.

"Though she may well perish with the shame of having such a mother."

The other girls snicker at her, I walk up the stairs.

"I must go to Netherfield at once."

I get to my fathers office and knock.

"Come in"

I set the book back on the shelf and look over at him. He lightly smiles and I do the same.

"I'll be in Netherfield with Jane, I want to make sure she's ok."

Bestowing Pride with Forgetting PrejudiceWhere stories live. Discover now