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I walk out to the barn and look around. I see my solid black stallion sitting in his stall. I smile and walk over to him.

"You are my black beauty"

I smile and smooth out his fur, he steps closer. A man comes over with his reins and I smile, he puts them on and then bows.

He leaves and I look back to the large creature, he was a gift from our aunt and uncle. His name was black beauty once but I decided to name him obsidian after the darkest material.

I open the stall door and we walk out, I get onto his back and make my way to the mansion.


I arrive and get down, I walk towards the large mansion. A man comes over, mostly like the stable boy. I smile as he takes the horse, I walk up the stairs and through the halls.

I see a young man hold out his hand to me, we make it over near two wide doors. They open and he walks in.

"Miss Adelaide Bennett."

I walk in and the woman looks at me, I glance over as Mr. Darcy stands up. I lightly bow but keep our eyes connected.

Oh how the suns ray and the uniqueness of the gold and white reflecting off of him. His eyes become bright and his seems to relax a bit.

"Good Lord, Miss Adelaide. Did you walk here?"

I smile and just look at her.

"No I rode, but I do say the hem needs a cleaning."

She lightly laughs as I turn back to the god-made man standing in front of me. He seems shocked, I can't tell if it's by my arrival of the way I let myself look in front of him.

"I'm so sorry. How is my sister?"

"She's upstairs."

I smile at him once more and bow.

"Thank you."

I walk off, following one of the servants. I smile as they led me to a door. I look at him as he starts to leave.

"Do you think that someone would be able to bring some warm tea and lemon."

He nods and then walks away, I go into the room and see her laying there. I slowly sit down beside her and frown.

"My dear sister, what has mother done to you."

We both lightly laugh as I grab one of her hands.

"I feel such a terrible imposition, they're being so kind to me."

She looks so dreadfully dull, I feel bad for how she was brought.

"Don't worry. I don't know who is more pleased at your being here, Mama or Mr Bingley."

We both start to laugh as someone knocks on the door. It opens and in walks the latter, he's smiling at us.


"Thank you for tending to my sister so diligently. She is in far better comfort here than she would have been at home."

"It's a pleasure."

We're quiet as he looks at us, he looks to be upset.

"I mean it's. . . Sorry. Not a pleasure that she's ill, of course not. It's a pleasure that she's here, being ill."

I nod in understanding, they both seem smitten with each other. Even when ill he seems to love her.


I'm sitting on the couch in one of the many drawing rooms. I have a sketch book in hand drawing the characters likeness.

Mr. Darcy is writing most likely to his sister, Miss Bingley is staring out the large window and Mr. Bingley is sitting on the couch.

She stops looking out the window and turns her small attention to the writer.

"You write uncommonly fast, Mr Darcy."

"You are mistaken. I write rather slowly."

"How many letters you must have occasion to write, Mr Darcy. Letters of business, too. How odious I should think them."

She lightly glides over to his side, I keep my eyes focused on the sketch pad. I'm almost finished, just need the eyes.

"It is fortunate, then, that they fall to my lot instead of yours."

"Do tell your sister that I long to see her."

"I've already told her once, by your desire."

I look up to Mr. Darcy, he can be my next muse. I smile as I draw the outline of his still figure.

"I do dote on her. I was quite in raptures at her beautiful little design for a table."

"Perhaps you will give me leave to defer your raptures till I write again? At present, I have not room enough to do them justice."

I look up and see how he glances at her but keeps his main focus on the parchment and quill.

The woman near his side does seem to have some acquaintance with him involving more than friends.

"Well, I think it's amazing you young ladies have the patience to be so accomplished."

His sister looks down to him, I look over at his smiling figure.

"What do you mean, Charles?"

"You all paint tables and play the piano and embroider cushions."

He laughs and I do softy laugh as well, he seems so naive but kind.

"I never heard of a young lady but people say she is accomplished."

"The word is indeed applied too liberally."

I drop the smile and turn to him, I just watch as he continues to write.

"I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen women in all my acquaintance that are truly accomplished."

"Nor I, to be sure."

I set down the sketchbook and smile at him, he side glances my way as he writes.

"Goodness. You must comprehend a great deal in the idea."

"I do."

"Absolutely. She must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing and the modern languages, to deserve the word."

I see the young lady smirk down at Mr. Darcy. He seems to pay her no mind while she pays him with all of hers. She must have noticed because she holds her head up and lightly walks.

Bestowing Pride with Forgetting PrejudiceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora