She's Here!

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Few weeks later(November 20,2017)

Toni's P.O.V
It was like 3 in the morning, and I was eating Cheryl out, when her water broke. I was scared shitless and grabbed all the stuff needed and sped to the hospital with Cheryl. It was really unexpected, because Cheryl wasn't due for like another week or two.

Right now it's been about 9 hours since we've been at the hospital.

Cher and I are now walking up and down the hallway, per the doctor's instructions. Cheryl was only 9 cm dilated and she needed to be 10 cm. Few more minutes later, I helped Cheryl walk back to her room. Cheryl got back into her bed and I sat in the chair next to it.

Cheryl and I were just talking, when she screamed out of nowhere. I got up and held her hand asking "Baby are you okay". She hissed and said "Does it look like I'm fucking okay Toni".

I winced and then she screamed again, but this time squeezing my hand . Soon, Doctors and Nurses came running in and asking me what's going on. I explained to them how Cheryl was screaming out in pain. "She's having very strong and painful contractions, which means the baby is coming any time now" one doctor explained. "So now we're going to set everything up and we can get to pushing" another doctor spoke up. "Um ma'am" someone said.

I turned around and saw that it was a nurse. "We need you to change into these articles of clothing. It's apart of protocol for the other parent to do so" the nurse explained. I nodded my head and took the stuff from her and went to the bathroom. I changed into the scrubs and gloves, and then entered back into the room to see Cheryl hooked up to some machines.

Doctors were surrounding her, checking all the machines, while there was one doctor sitting on a chair right in front of the bed. "Okay great your ready. So we're going to have your girlfriend start pushing now since she is 10 cm dilated" a Nurse told me. I nodded and then went up to Cheryl's side sitting on the chair. I grabbed Cheryl's hand and she looked at me.

"T.T I'm scared to do this" she said anxiously. I pushed all my nerves down and said "I know baby, but after all this, we will both have our own mini me. You're gonna be the strongest person I know after having this baby, especially at this age". She smiled slightly and then winced at I'm assuming another contraction.

"Alright are you ready to start pushing Cheryl" the doctor at the end of the bed asked. Cheryl looked at me and I just gave her a smile. She looked back at the doctor and nodded her head. They made sure everything was okay one more time, and then most of the doctors and nurses left the room.

Finally,  the doctor told Cheryl to do the first push. Cheryl did a hard push and squeezed my hand hard as fuck too. I wanted to scream but that would make me seem like a pussy.

I held in the pain and just watched as Cheryl kept pushing and squeezing for her life. Even now and then I kissed Cheryl's forehead whispering encouraging words to her. "Come on baby just keep pushing. I know it's painful but I know you can do it" I murmured against her forehead. She stopped pushing and her breathing was all over the place. She was sweating all over and I couldn't wait for my baby to stop feeling all this pain. "I can't do it Toni" she cried out.

I squeezed her hand gently and cupped her face. "Hey look at me Cher" I said softly as I turned her head. She looked at me into the eyes and I smiled. "What a lucky baby that's in your stomach. She's gonna have such beautiful eyes as yours" I said not losing eye contact.

"You're the most strongest and bad ass person I know baby. I know this may be scary since it's our first child, but before you know it. Boom, after all that pushing and hard work we're gonna have a miracle in our hands. Just think of how cute it would be to see how tiny our baby girls hands and feet will be. I know you can do it and I'm gonna be right here with you. Push as hard as you can cause I know damn well you can do it. My Bombshell never gives up and that's a fact".

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