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Toni's P.O.V

I woke up in my trailer with a huge headache. I only remembered seeing Jughead in the bar with me last night, and everything after that is a blur. "JUUUGGG" I yelled. "What Toni!" he yelled back as he walked into my room.

When he screamed I hissed and told him to stop yelling. He said sorry and then left. He came back with Advil and some water, handing them to me.  I took the pill and water and asked him what happened.

"I found you in the Whyte Worm dancing while you were drunk, and you had a beer in your hand. I went to the bartender and asked him how many beers you had, and he said you were on your seventh one. I went over to you and took the beer out of your hand. At first you were yelling at me, but then you passed out and I carried you here."

"Wow. Thanks Jug" I said. "No problem smalls" he said with a smile. "Are you still going to school today" he asked me. "Yeah I guess" I groaned out. "Alright lets go or else we'll be late" he told me. I groaned and after 5 minutes, I got out of bed and started getting dressed.

My choice of clothing was a simple outfit. A white shirt with black ripped jeans, and of course with my combat boots and serpent jacket. I made some coffee, drank it, and got on my motorcycle, and made my way to school.

Cheryl's P.O.V
I was in English listening to the teacher's lesson on the board, when Toni came in. She looked better than I did so I guess she handled the breakup better than I did. Usually, she would sit next to me, but today she went to a kid behind me and said "Move out the seat you brat".

"Toni Topaz, you are late, and behavior like that is not tolerated in my classroom" the teacher spoke.

I saw Toni glare at the teacher and then she said "How about you shut the fuck up. The only thing you're supposed to be doing is teaching me, and well you do a very bad job at that. Try me woman, and you won't breath another breath once I get my gang on you".

The teacher just gulped and turned back to the board to continue the lesson. I watched as Toni grabbed the boy by the neck of his shirt and lifted him out of the seat. "Do I have to repeat myself" she spoke with a sickening smile.

The boy shook his head fast and quickly scrambled to the seat beside me since it was the only open seat left. I looked in the back, I saw Toni glaring at me, and I quickly turned around. It felt like hours, but the bell finally rang and English was done ,which meant that I have study haul now.

I decided to go sit under the tree that Toni and I used to go to, hoping she would come today. When I stepped outside , I saw Toni sitting under the tree smoking a cigarette. I just looked at her for a while, then decided to walk over to her.

Toni's P.O.V
I saw Cheryl walking over to me and when she was almost near me I stopped her and said "What the fuck do you want from me now Cheryl. I told you specifically not to talk to me anymore".

With her usual bitchy attitude, she said "Why the fuck do you have to be so disrespectful. I know what I did was wrong, but you can't act like I'm the worst person ever".

I just sat there smirking at her while taking another puff of my cigarette. "Why are you smirking?" she asked. " Does your girlfriend know you're talking to me" I asked, still smirking.

"Heather is not my girlfriend" she yelled at me, while rolling her eyes. " So her name is Heather huh" I asked. "Toni please don't hurt her, she didn't do anything" Cheryl begged.

"I have no time for this right now" I said and I flicked my cigarette and stepped on it with my boots. I brushed my shoulder harshly against Cheryl's and headed to the door of the school. Once I got inside, I knew I need to know who Heather was and have a little "chat" with her.

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