Pure Anger

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Cheryl's P.O.V

When I walked in the classroom all eyes were on me. "I know I'm hot as fuck, but I don't want all of you're disgusting eyes on me!" I yelled. "Ms.Blossom do you want detention?" Mr.Lawrence said. "Mr.Lawrence do you want to lose your job" I said back.

As I was walking to my seat I heard "oooos" and "damnn". I sat in my seat, flipped my hair, while feeling proud. Like 45 minutes later, Mr.Lawrence's class ended, and I was heading to my next class when I heard someone yell "Hey Blossom, I guess you were dating a rapist".

Everyone stopped walking and everything was silent. I turned in my heels slowly, and faced the kid who said that. I just smiled at the boy, and started walking to him very slowly. I backed him up until his back hit a locker. "Listen here little boy" I said. "At least I am able to make everyone want me, like literally fall to their knees for me, but I'm sure not even one person wants an annoying prick like you". I heard people saying "damn", and "he made a huge mistake".

I started walking away, until the boy said "Well at least I don't have to keep wondering if my own girlfriend is gonna rape me". I was furious , so I pushed the boy against the locker, and kneed him in his crotch. I let go of him, and he slapped me and I felt my face burning.

I was shocked, so I just stood there. I saw Toni come through the crowd, and she pushed the boy to the floor. Toni got on top of him, slapped him, and said "Don't you ever fucking touch her again or else it won't just be a slap you get". The boy said "You rape boys too". I saw Toni's eyes fill with rage, and I knew that things could become bad.

I wanted to calm Toni down, so I went over to her and said "Baby, I know you're mad, but you don't wanna do this". She looked at me and angrily said "I don't know what you're talking about". "Don't play that innocent bullshit with me, I know what you're gonna do". "What's she gonna do, slap me again" the boy said.

In response, Toni growled and started beating the shit out of the boy. I saw Sweet Pea coming towards where Toni was, and he picked Toni up, and was holding her. Toni tried getting out of Sweet Pea's grip, but it wasn't working.
I knew how to calm her down, so I went over to Toni and slapped her.

"Fuck you" she said. "Listen here dumbass, you are going to cut this shit out, and you are gonna calm the fuck down, unless you wanna see what else I can fucking do than slap you". I saw Toni's eyes soften, but then they turned to rage again. "Let me beat that kid's ass" she yelled.

I sighed and said "Sweet Pea let her go". Sweet Pea looked at me and said "Cheryl what the hell, are you crazy". I just looked at him with a glare, and he let Toni go who immediately started beating the boy like crazy.

I picked my nails as the only sound I heard was the boy groaning and Toni's fist connecting with his face. When I saw that his face was starting to bruise, I grabbed Toni's hair in my fist and yanked it. She hissed and looked back at me with a growl.

I smiled and said "Get your ass in the student lounge right now". She was about to speak, but I gave her a look and said "I will not fucking repeat myself Antoinette". Toni huffed and slapped the boy once more before heading to the lounge with Sweet Pea.

I bent down to the boy and looked at his face in disgust. "Eww, one of you nosy people take this kid to the nurse's office" I stated and two other kids immediately helped the boy up and started walking down the hall.

"There's nothing else for you people to see, and if you dare spread a word to any of the faculty, including the principal about this, let's just say you don't wanna know what's gonna happen if you do. Now Toodles!!".

The crowd of students dispersed and they all went their separate ways. I walked into the student lounge, and I saw Toni talking with Sweet Pea while cracking her knuckles. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"You need to work on your anger babe" I spoke as I scratched the back of her neck. I felt her calm down a bit which made me smile. She wrapped her arms around me and I leaned up to give her a kiss.

My lips were still swollen from our session in the bathroom earlier and Toni smirked when she noticed how I whined. She moved her hand to my ass and squeezed it making me let out a slight moan against her lips.

"Did the pain go away yet" she asked in between kisses. I gave one deep kiss, then pulled away saying "No, it's still there, and I think a bit of it went away though". She hummed and pecked my lips, biting my bottom lip slightly.

I knew what she was trying to do, so I pushed her back by her chest to see her smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and got out of her hold to look at Sweet Pea who was looking around awkwardly and messing with his hair.

"Sweet Pea we aren't doing anything nasty" I said with a laugh. "I know, but Toni is horny like 24/7" he mumbled which offended Toni. "Hey! I'm not that horny" she huffed and I patted her chest saying "Yes you are babe, but that's not the point here".

I looked at Sweet Pea and said "Make sure her ass gets to her next class which is in like 10 minutes please, and thank you". He nodded and I patted his back and gave Toni one more kiss before heading to go find that boy in the hallway.

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