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*****Leo's face was flushed a bright red, his eyes scanning over the flood of mentions and tags on Instagram

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Leo's face was flushed a bright red, his eyes scanning over the flood of mentions and tags on Instagram. Almost every single one involved Cristiano's post. It wasn't anything new or surprising to see that Cris had put out yet another post fawning over the Argentinean, so that wasn't really what he was blushing so hard over. It was one specific tag that had been mentioned in the post that had made both Leo and their fans go crazy...


A part of Leo knew that it wasn't meant to be taken too seriously, it was probably just a spicy new tag that Cristiano was going to use from now on. Still though, it sent Leo's heart racing. They both had this weird relationship/not really a relationship thing for the past 10 years. The reason it was such a complicated and complex situation was because well, it was kind of a one sided ordeal. Most, if not all, of the flirting posts were from Cris. It was fairly obvious that Leo was just a more quiet, reserved, and overall shy person.

He rarely interacted with the posts and the two barely talked as is, only a handful of text messages being sent between the pair. They had each other numbers of course, Cristiano couldn't resist asking for it after the second time they'd ran into each other. For a short period, Leo was pretty confident that their subtle flirting would eventually lead to some form of dating, yet... As the years droned on they never crossed that line. Both of them dancing on that fine line between being a couple and being "just friends".

This was why he was completely torn staring down at the phone, his thumb lingering over the empty heart button next to the comment bubble. His mind flashing through the various tweets he'd read earlier, CRIS CANT BE THE ONLY ONE IN THE RELATIONSHIP LEO. Which... They weren't even in a relationship though, contrary to what many fans would believe. He huffed, beyond frustrated now, staring down at the stupid (but completely adorable) post. Before he could doubt himself even more, he clicked the button quickly. Seeing the bright red heart fill the empty space.


Cristiano knew ahead of time that his phone was going to be blowing up with notifications, he had expected that the second he posted the photo. It was practically routine at this point. Every post he made that even had a sliver of Leo in it, had millions of likes and thousands of comments.

What he wasn't expecting however was the notification that popped up.

leomessi liked your post

Now this? This was a first.

Cris couldn't contain the smile that lit up his face, the spoon that he was holding in his hand dropped down onto the table with a clatter. He quickly closed the app and re-opened it. Looking through the notifs to make sure that he had read this right and it wasn't a glitch. Sure enough, no matter how many times he checked and double checked, the notification didn't go away. The bold letters spelling out Leo Messi weren't a lie.

"He liked it," he had spoken the words aloud to himself, a bubbling feeling of giddiness swelled inside of him. He felt like some young fan that had just won the ultimate prize.

Leo had reacted to several of Cris' posts before, sometimes with an eyeroll emoji or a simple smiley face. He never liked Cristiano's posts though. Only this one. The more logical part of Cris' brain, the part that wasn't completely obsessing over Leo, knew that this was probably an error on the younger's part. A simple slip of the thumb, a mistake from scrolling too fast. Yet, the not so logical part of his brain was dying. A bunch of unreachable visions and impossible scenarios playing through his mind.

The smile never left his face as he quickly added a picture onto his story, an image that he had saved for quite some time. The bright red background with white font staring right back at him, he quickly added a tag. Tagging the younger in the story.

I can't seem to get you off my mind. @leomessi

Let Me Adore You. (Cressi/Lionaldo) (Cristiano Ronaldo/Lionel Messi)Where stories live. Discover now