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As Leo made his way back to his room, he found himself pausing at the door

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As Leo made his way back to his room, he found himself pausing at the door... Despite the overwhelming urge to shout with joy, there was still an under lying sadness in his chest. It was only 2 days ago, he watched Cristiano get in his car and leave the city. The distance that once felt so small now felt immensely larger. He didn't know when he'd get to see the other man again, at least not in person.

Leo stared down at the key in his hand, the hand that was not too long ago entwined with Cris'. He'd never actually noticed it before, even though it was often pointed out to him on a semi-regularly basis just how much larger Cristiano's hands were than his own. The night that they shared was brief, but it was full of soft touches and gentle embraces. The smile on his face was almost shy, it was as if he could still feel the warmth on his skin, the breaths on his neck.

The beep from the door as he pressed the key to it pulled him from his thoughts. Bittersweet.

Wordlessly, he walked into the dimly lit room. A room that was similar to the one Cristiano had, this one was a little smaller though. He glanced around the empty room and sighed, he had hoped that his teammate would make it back first. So they could at least fill this lonely void...


Three knocks were what woke him from his slumber. When he first heard it, he simply thought it was his imagination toying with him. Then he heard it again, knock knock knock. Sleepily, he wiped his eyes and sat up. The sheets and blankets bunched up around his waist as he did so.

He glanced to his side, the other bed was empty, his teammate nowhere to be found. Leo frowned and slid out of bed as the knocks continued, his feet padding across the floor.

"Okay okay, I hear you." Leo spoke up as he got closer to the door. He cleared his throat and opened it without a second thought, "Ye-?"

His words were choked off into silence, standing in front of him was Cris. Cristiano holding nothing more than a backpack. The other man smiled and lifted his hand to do a little wave.

"I really missed you."

"It's only been 2 days." Leo's voice was soft, barely audible.

"I know, but I... I was in Portugal and when I was about to get off the plane I realized how stupid I was for leaving you.."

Leo could only stare in stunned silence, Cris had gone and done it again. He was rambling and explaining himself in detail, as if Leo deserved an explanation. As if Leo would be somehow upset or confused at his actions. He watched as Cristiano continued to blabber on, his face was so expressive and his words genuine. Without a second thought Leo grabbed the shirt of the other man and pulled him into the room.

"Leo the doo-"

He didn't even allow Cristiano to finish speaking, his hands already reaching up and ready to tug the other man's head down. Their lips slid together in an almost familiar dance. Although they hadn't kissed too many times, there was already something natural about it. It came to them out of sheer instinct, their hands knowing where to go and how soft or hard to grab.

Let Me Adore You. (Cressi/Lionaldo) (Cristiano Ronaldo/Lionel Messi)Where stories live. Discover now