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Six months later

***(Nya's POV)***

Oh my gosh. My brother and my boyfriend are in a war to see who can pick me up from the women's correctional facility first. The winner, as they've decided, is the one I get to ride with on the way to eat breakfast out.

Honestly, I'd rather go with Jay, but I didn't want to hurt Kai's feelings by telling him I wanted some alone time with Jay before meeting up with him. Jay's idea of fixing that issue was to make it a contest.

I just hope Jay's the one who finds me first.

As I stand on the sidewalk about a block away from the correctional facility, I wonder if either of them will find me. The facility let me loose after giving me the spare change of clothes I'd arrived in and all my personal belongings that were with me when I came. They didn't escort me out or have a waiting area for rides like I expected. Nope, they just set me free and told me to go home. Apparently, they instructed Jay on how to find me. He then relayed that information to Kai so they could have their competition.

I've been waiting around for about twenty minutes now. I was sure I would've seen one of their cars pass by now, but...nope.

I run my finger over the metal armrest of the park bench I'm seated on. Life's going to be different now that I'm out of jail. It'll be harder for me to find a job, even if Kai promises he makes enough money to support the both of us. I don't want to be dead weight.

I'll probably end up cleaning houses for the rest of my life, unfortunately. People typically don't like a criminal record in their employees.

I think Jay's the only one who got a good job deal out of this. He's finishing up his last semester of college now, and he's been offered positions as an officer in Ninjago City, Ignacia, and Stiix, plus a few other towns that heard about him on the news and want him working for their departments. It's likely he would move up the ranks at those departments quickly due to his 'rescue' of me back in October.

I sputter. Yeah, right. I rescued myself. Maybe they should consider hiring me as an officer.

Jay, however, has chosen not to take any of those positions. Instead, he's going to be working to help find missing people. I think it suits him, too.

He also told me that he doesn't want to be three hours away from me, so he had to pick a job that was a little closer to Ignacia. He's going to be living about an hour away starting this summer.

Yes, he's ready to pick his job locations based on me after only four months of dating. I guess he does say he plans on marrying me, though.

I'm not sure I want to go that far yet. Sure, Jay and I get along great when I'm in trouble and he's trying to save me, but how do our personalities mesh in everyday life? Do we want to have the same number of kids or to live the same distance from our families? Am I going to survive in a relationship where he makes all the money, and I make some measly sum? Do I want to feel that worthless?

But the truth is, Jay has never cared about money much. His birth dad's a movie star, and while he thinks that's incredibly cool, he doesn't show off his dad's money to other people. I know that regardless of my income, Jay's not going to treat me as inferior to him.

And I think we can settle on matters like distance from family and number of kids...as long as he doesn't want, like, twenty children. That's an idea of his I'd seriously have to shoot down.

I think we can make it as a couple, though. We'll just have to see.

"Boo," says a soft voice behind me.

Coffee {Jaya AU}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon