Henry's Heart // Neverland

Start from the beginning

"You have Rumple," she said. 

"Yes, my love," he answered, his voice kind while speaking to her. 

"Can I see?" She asked, holding out her hand. Pan's eyes never left Kyla's as he passed the box to her. She smiled, taking it into her hands. "He'll never hurt you again," she whispered, staring at the box. Pan put his hand on her chin and tilted her head to look up at him. 

"He'll never hurt us again," he emphasized. Kyla could hear Regina groaning in her head. 

"What are we going to do with them?" She asked, motioning to them with her head. 

Pan looked over and sighed. "We'll leave them. The Lost Boys will get them soon enough," he said with a smile. He lifted his hand and caressed her cheek gently. 

"Abandon them," she said, barely audible. 

"What?" He asked, his voice still gentle. 

"That's what you do," she said, meeting his eyes. "You abandon those close to you. Your son, Tink, the boys...me." 

"You?" He asked. "Rapunzel, I would never abandon you."

"But you did," she said as she pulled away. 

"Rapunzel, we've talked about this," he said, his eyes narrowing. She could hear his heart beating faster. "You were going to die." 

"Tink told me," she whispered. 

"And you know you can't ever trust fairies."

Unwavering, Kyla sighed. "She told me how I was stalling the prophecy. That with me here using my magic, you would have never gotten ahold of the Heart of the Truest Believer. And instead of telling me that, you poisoned my magic against the island." 

"Tink told you that?" He asked, his anger rising. She nodded her head and held her hand out to him. 

"But it's all right. I understand why you did it," she said. As Pan went to take her hand, she placed the box in his. "You would never do it again," she stated. 

"Never. With Henry's heart, you and I will rule more than just Neverland. We'll take on different realms. You'll be Queen over all of the realms soon enough. You'll never grow old. We'll be unstoppable," he swore. Kyla chuckled, placing her hand over his heart. She could hear Emma struggling to get out of the vines and Snow quietly reminding her to be careful.

Kyla could feel Henry's heart beating through Pan's chest. 

"A heart," she whispered. He looked down at her hand, reaching up to touch her wrist. "You finally have a heart." 

"A heart full of love for you." 

"Which means you might be able to finally understand what it felt like when you let me go. Like you squeezed it and ripped it right from my chest." 

Pan's expression changed to confusion as Kyla took a deep breath in and pushed her hand into his chest. He gasped in pain. 

Henry's heart was so big, Kyla didn't have to search long for it. Once she felt it, she met Pan's eyes. Betrayal read in his face as he watched the tearful Kyla's eyes light up in sparks. Then, her hands. She was careful to send the energy of the electricity outward so it only hit Pan, not the heart. 

Time slowed for the two as they watched each other carefully. Just as Pan had abandoned Kyla, she was about to do the same. 

They were a poison to each other. And she couldn't allow Henry to be collateral damage. 

As she pulled her hand back, Pan's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the ground. 

"Like that."

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