Princess // Enchanted Forest

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The purple smoke cleared and the fairytale characters looked out to their new home. They had landed in the middle of a field, standing in front of a gazebo. 

The first thing Kyla noticed was her hair - it was back in its wistful braid, long as ever. She stroked it, realizing just how much she missed it. Though her active magic was still gone, she felt magical yet. 

A man and a woman stood in the gazebo, holding onto each other, both frightened. Snow, of course, knew them and they were relieved to see her. 

Prince Philip and Princess Aurora - otherwise known as Sleeping Beauty in Storybrooke - gave them free passage and supplies to get back to the Queen's castle. Snow had made the decision that Regina would go back with them and, with her new track record, they would rule together. But, Regina wasn't fully convinced. 

Her heart ached over the loss of Henry, and even more so of the thought that Henry had no idea who she was. In that moment, Kyla wished she had lost her sense to feel. She couldn't imagine if she had lost someone that close to her.

That's when Rumple popped into her head. The confusion from losing him instantly turned to pain as she realized he was never coming back. 

On their trek back to the castle, they encountered a few monsters. Monsters being flying monkeys. Apparently, the Wicked Witch of the West had invaded the Queen's castle and was plotting revenge against the Queen, who just so happened to be her half sister. Kyla had rolled her eyes at the news as it turned out that everyone was related. 

Regina, with the help of their new friend Robin Hood, was able to reclaim the castle, but not without the Wicked Witch vowing her revenge on her sister. Regina was unbothered. Nothing could hurt her more than the pain of losing Henry. 

Kyla found herself lost in that moment. She had a place in the castle, finally. She wasn't banished to the tower this time, she was given her own rooms and duties within the kingdom, but she still couldn't seem to find a purpose. As if she had had one before. 

She was without magic and without her mentor. She was happy to have her sister, but a part of her just felt empty.  

Weeks after settling into the kingdom, Kyla found herself sitting in David and Snow's throne room. Though Regina was still the Queen, the Prince and Princess were in charge of all laws and rulings. She watched as the tall door began to slowly swing in and David's face appeared. 

"There you are," he said, his voice echoing through the room. 

Kyla sat up, realizing she was sitting on David's throne and sighed. "Sorry," she said, preparing to hop down, but David held his hand out, stopping her.

He chuckled and walked to sit on Snow's throne. "What are you doing in here?" He asked kindly. 

"Thinking," she answered, honestly. 

"I think you do a little too much of that," he said. She gave him a small smile. "You doing okay?" 

Kyla laughed, looking around her. "How can I complain?" She asked. "I'm finally where I'm meant to be. I'm being treated the way I've always wanted to be treated. I have a relationship with my sister, I don't have to live in the tower, I have freedom. So how could I not be okay?" 

"Well," he said, leaning toward her, "clearly you're not. Do you want to talk about it?" 

She sighed, leaning back. "It's the oddest thing. I just feel...lost," she attempted to explain. 

"How so?" David asked, genuinely confused. 

"I think..." she trailed, "I don't really know who I am, you know? I've always been this neutral being. I went from being unwanted, to being needed, to being unwanted, to being needed, and so on, and I think I just never had time to come into my own. Now? I'm not a witch. I'm not a princess. I'm just the bastard child of Eva and some random man she met in a bar." 

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