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After lunch, we went to all of our classes and people kept looking at me weirdly, probably because of what happened at lunch. I walked up to my extra curricular class, which I didnt have with Violet, Piper, or Riely, but I just decided to do something different and did art.

I walked into the class and took at seat. People started filling in and a guy sat next to me.

"Hey I'm Hunter." He said putting his hand out.

"I'm Mackenzie." I said and shook his hand.

"Hey yall I'm your teacher Ms. T!" A cheery blonde girl who looked around late twenties. I've seen her around the pack, she might be young but she's a great motherly figure.

"Oh hey Luna!" She cheered and peoples eyes turned towards me.

"Mackenzie is fine." I said and she nodded and people looked back towards her.

"So your the Luna, good thing to know so I wouldn't get my ass kicked by Ryder." Hunter said.

"You mean your Alpha?" I asked hunting towards him.

"Nah, I don't have to call him, perks of being his cousin." Hunter confessed and my eyes widened.

"Ryder never said he had a cousin." I said and Hunter chuckled.

"Yeah he's not too enthusiastic about me. I don't know why, but I knew that if I flirted with his mate, I wouldn't be here right now." Hunter said and I giggled.

"Okay you are gonna paint a sunset, and I don't care if it's over land or water. Whatever you want as long as it is a sunset. See yall in a bit." Ms. T said and walked out of the room. I went to a cabinet and pulled out gold, orange, yellow, red, purple, blue, and green acrylic paint. I got a piece of paper from the front and started.

"So Mackenzie, how did you come to meet my dear cousin." Hunter asked.

"Well he kidnapped me and I found out that I was a werewolf because of my grandpa and that I have a gift. On top of that I have to be a Luna." I explained.

"Oh wow. What's your gift?" hunter asked.

"I'll give you a hint since you obviously weren't at lunch." I said and made a slightly large water ball and spun it around. I turned my palms upward and it disappeared.

"Woah." Was all that he could say.

"Yeah it's pretty cool." I giggled and Hunter chuckled.

I started on my sunset painting and so did Hunter. He tried to sneak a little part of my gold paint but I stopped him, but he caught me at the time when I had purple on my paintbrush and it got a little on his face. He hugged and I laughed.

"That's what you get for stealing. Karma is a bitch." I joked and Hunter put his finer in blue paint and put it on my nose.

"You ass." I said and made a small water ball before throwing it at his face.

"Ugh." He huffed and I giggled.

I finished my sunset fifteen minutes before class ended, so I put up my supplies and put my painting up to dry. Hunter finished shortly after. I got out my phone and texted Ryder.

Come by the art room. -Mack

Why?? -Ryder

Because I finished my pairing early and I wanna see my mate so get your ass over here. -Mack

Got it. Don't have to tell me twice. -Ryder

See you soon. love you. -Mack

"Is that your mate, or should I say my cousin." Hunter said looking over my shoulder.

"Stalker. And yes it was." I said and Hunter chuckled.

"Byeee Hunter." I said before telling Ms. T I was leaving and she let me go. I stood outside the art room, and saw Ryder walking down the hallway. I walked up next to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I have him a small kiss.

Then I dropped my backpack and gave him a slightly longer kiss. His hands moved to my waits and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His kissed my mark and I had to hold back a moan. We kissed again, but for a longer time. Ryder licked my bottom lip for entrance but I declined and he growled. I giggled and we broke away.

"I love you." I said before kissing him again and allowing him entrance. my hands got tangled up in his hair and he pushed me against a wall.

"Oh just get a room!" Riley joked just as the bell rang and the hall was filled with students. I blushed and Ryder did too, just a little bit.

"Shut up Riely." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She said and I grabbed my bad and interlocked Ryder and my hands.

"Hey babes." Zander said to Riely when we walked down the steps.

"Come to pick me up?" She asked and Zander nodded. They ran towards Zander's neon orange corvette.

"We are taking my car." I said looking around and not seeing Ryder's.

"Yeah I ran here." He exclaimed.

"Cool." I said and he had a devious grin, I checked my pockets for my car keys and saw that he had them in his fingers.

"I drive." He said before making a beeline for my car, but I made a rope like thing of water and it wrapped around his chest.

"No you dont." I said knowing he heard me and I pulled him back to me. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I grabbed the keys from his hands and ran toward my car.

"Come on please babe. Let me drive?" Ryder whined and I gave in. Only because he said he would let me sit on his lap. He put the top down and we drove out avoiding and not caring about the high school students staring at us.

As we were driving home Ryder spoke up. "You know Your lucky no human saw you using your gift." He said and I agreed.

"Ya but none of them did so it all good." I said and He chuckled.


"I'm gonna take you on a date tonight." Ryder said as we were laying down in his bed and my head was on his chest.

"Oh you are, are you?" I said and looked at him.

"Yes I am, we are gonna go on a nice date and have a lot of fun because I just love my mate so much." He said and I giggled.

"I'm not wearing a dress." I said and Ryder pouted.

"Oh come on please kitten." He said and I was taken aback by the new nickname.

"Kitten?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah kitten. I thought it would be cute." He said and I shrugged it off.

"Fine I'll wear a dress." I exclaimed and Ryder threw his hands up in victory.

"IM VICTORIOUS!" He yelled and I laughed.

Hey guys it's your girl Erin! so sorry I haven't been updating but it was my birthday and I was super busy with stuff. If I don't update soon, please don't hate me I'm just slammed with stuff. I love yall and thanks for the lovely reads! love all you guys :D

-Erin <3

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