Chapter 1: AnAngelina

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author (SLC). The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

WARNING: Rated Mature for Sexual content, Language, Violence and Drug use. 

My lips were pursed as I continued to hit my ring against the lamp next to me. This night has proven to be a bust. My cousin Alicia asked me to come over and meet a few of her boyfriend's buddies.

Well, I refused to come over by myself, so I enlisted my sister-in-law Rose.

She's no fun—she's the shittiest of the shit—when it comes to being a wing-woman, anyway.

I knew that she wouldn't drink. She can't since she's pregnant, but guys were going to be here, and I have zero experience in the guy department. I thought she'd be a great buffer.

She sucks.

So, here I sit, sipping my highly alcoholic beverage, next to a boy.

Yes, he's a boy at nineteen years old. He's cute, but nineteen. His friend—who keeps staring at Rose like she's a glass of water in the desert—is cuter and possibly older.

Why do I always get the fugly one?


Fugly—get it? Fucking ugly.

No, he's cute.

But, he's nineteen.

"That motherfucker didn't know what hit 'em. I'm tellin' you cuz," Mr. Fugly laughed, talking to his buddy or possibly his cousin? I think his real name is Mark. Alicia told me that he goes by the name Dizzy.

"You heard?" Dizzy asked his cousin.

His cousin, who Alicia told me is named Paul, but was introduced as...ah fuck. I don't even remember. Well, he nodded, letting Dizzy know that he heard him.

These are friends of Dylan. My cousin's boyfriend sells crack and has these little boys do his bidding. They stand on street corners, deliver shit, and cater to every one of Dylan's requests.

Now-being a professional twenty-three year old waitress-I was not impressed, and neither was Rose. She's an out of work stripper. Mind you she's pregnant now, and the bump is a huge reminder of how sex can go wrong. She's retired, and I doubt my brother Evan-who's a plumber-will let her go back to work anyway.

He doesn't think mothers belong dancing on poles.

They met at a bachelor party that was held for one of his co-workers. They hit it off right away. Why wouldn't they? She shook her tits in his face, and the rest is history.

Anyway, Paul was not deterred by the bump. He admired it earlier and whispered to Dizzy that fucking pregnant chicks is cool.

Simply because "they can't get pregnant twice."



I've had a bit of a dry spell lately-a very long hiatus from sex. My vagina hasn't seen or felt cock in a very long time.

Ten be exact.

So, when my cousin asked me to come over because she had some friends she wanted me to meet, I agreed.

As per Alicia, I'm not here for love. I'm here to get laid.

Alicia went all out for this momentous occasion, too. She traded some food stamps with Rose for cash, so she could buy a few bottles. Excuse me, she let Rose use her EBT card, in exchange for cash. We had Absolut, Captain Morgan, and Jack Daniels.

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