The "Date"

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You are just woke up to the sound of an instagram notification to see the pansy has just dmed you.
-the dm-

Heyyyyy I was just wondering if you would want to hang out together just us?

Yeah pans i would love too, when were you thinking?

Maybe friday

yeah that works for me

ok then that works, see you then!!
well technically before then but you
know what i mean

yeah yeah i got ya, i cant wait!

-No ones pov-
You could tell how excited Y/N was for friday. She was always smiling and was counting down the days. Of course she just said she was excited for the weekend since no school, but everyone knew she loved school and loved to learn. Y/N was antsy and couldn't sit still. Pansy was the same way, counting down the days an all. I mean that is the day she is going to be able to hang out with her crush alone. Before they were hanging out with a group of friends, but now it was just them two. Of course the two girls were severely nervous because what if they said something wrong, or the other didn't' like their sense of humor. What if they thought the other one was boring. Until the last class of the day dismissed on friday...

Pansy Parkinson x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now