Alone Time

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Today I was just having a bad mental health day. Nothing was wrong, I wasn't in a fight, I just woke up feeling out of it. So I decided to have a me day. I told Pansy what was going on and she completely understand and said I can take all the time I need to get better. I asked her if she could tell the others. She said of course. I was currently in London. Just walking around.

(what you are wearing)I was looking for a nice little cafe that I could go to, just to sit down and either read or catch up on some homework

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(what you are wearing)
I was looking for a nice little cafe that I could go to, just to sit down and either read or catch up on some homework. I found the perfect one. It was small and it was cozy. Since it was cold out, when I walked in the sudden heat made my cheeks flush and my hair was a little messy from the winds. I walked up to the counter and ordered myself a Peach Mango Green Tea with a packet of sugar and a two teaspoons of honey. My usual. "Name?" The barista asks. "Oh Y/N." I say. "The Y/N, the one that is in a band?" She asks. "Uh- yeah thats me." I say. "Oh my god, I listen to your music." She says, I'm surprised muggles listen to my music. "Can I get a picture?" She asks. "Yeah sure." I reply. Once I get the picture, she makes my drink and I head to go sit in a corner. I take out my potions book and essay, careful to hide it to make it look like a normal textbook. After finishing the essay, I move onto the star chart. This is pretty easy, I get the days that I didn't do yet done. Then once I am all caught up on my homework I decide to read the book that Hermione got me. While reading I was twirling my ring around my finger, just as a habit. Once I finished my tea I put my book back in my bag and went back out onto the streets of London. I walked a bit more, until I found this cute boutique. I went to go check it out. It was filled with cute clothes. (AN: your rich) I looked around for a while and tried some things on before I decided to check out. I then apparated back to my dorm to drop my bags off, and to grab some lunch. Once I had eaten, I didn't go to the Great Hall I just went to the kitchens, I headed back out. Glad I didn't run into anyone. When I was back in London, I found an art museum and wanted to check it out. There was so many beautiful pieces of art. I thought about how Erin would love this, since she is an artist. Same with Luna. I have to take them here one day. After I viewed all the pieces of art, I went to the little gift shop and picked up a tote bag that had the words that VAN GOGH on it. I thought it was pretty cute. After getting out of the art gallery it was about 4:00. I wanted to get back to Hogwarts before it got to dark because that's when the muggers come out, and when the temperature drops. When I arrived back at Hogwarts, I wasn't really hungry, so I skipped dinner and just headed to my dorm. When I got there, I put away the new clothes I got, and tidied it up because that helps me calm down. I then laid down on my bed, closed the curtains around it, got my little reading light, and just read for the next couple of hours. No one bothered me, they just let me do my thing. When I finally looked at my phone, it was around 12:30 am. I had a total of 86 missed phone calls and over 300 texts. I felt bad for not talking to them all day and leaving my phone here, but today I wasn't feeling it. I answered to the texts saying I'm ok, just out of it. Then I put my phone on charge and went to bed.
AN- so i started writing this before i posted the not an update thing and i am too lazy to change the font in the middle of the story. also i did this to show that it's ok to have bad mental health issues and that sometimes you need time to yourself. i'm always here for you if you need to talk, just dm me on here. and i love you guys ♥︎

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