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A bit of backstory before we start:
They slowly get their memories back the further they are from WCKD.
Minho is a Lightning kitsune and newt and Thomas are human.
Newts brother is Isaac (he got kidnapped after the death of mom in a car crash, which was caused by WCKD, so Isaac never talks about him same with Kira).
Stiles was on his way home from a pack meeting at Derek's loft where they had been reminiscing about old memories and bonding as a pack as Scott like to call it. He was thinking about the first time Scott and him met Derek after Scott got bit, where it all began, when his car started slowing down and smoke was coming from the hood.

"No, no. Damn it!" He says hitting the steering wheel as his beloved Jeep came to a stop. He steps out of the car and opens the hood instantly pulled into a coughing fit from all the smoke that he had inhaled.

Once he calms down he looks to see what is wrong, he doesn't know what it is but he know it's something. He was going to just tape it up with some duct tape but then remembered he'd been meaning to buy some 'cause he ran out a couple days ago.

He got back inside the Jeep and started grabbing his phone and keys deciding to just walk seeing as he was only 10 minutes from his house. He locked the car and started walking but about 5 minutes in he heard a noise. He turned around to see what it was but seeing nothing there decided to ignore it and keep walking home.

When he heard noises again he stopped and looked behind him. "Hello? Who's there?" Again nothing was there so he turned around but when he turned back around he was hit in the back of the head and enveloped in darkness.

Stiles had left about thirty minutes before everyone else saying his dad needed him home. The rest of the pack stayed at the loft just talking about what happened that night and bonding.

Everyone was talking,including Derek, when Scott's phone started ringing. He picked up the phone confused as to why the Sheriff would be calling him. "Hello?" "Scott can you please tell Stiles to come home, I've called a billion times but he isn't answering." the sheriff said in an annoyed voice.

"Sheriff Stiles went home 30 minutes ago." "Well he hasn't come home yet and from what your telling me I'm getting worried." "Don't worry sheriff we'll go look for him and let you know when we find him, you stay put in case he comes home. I'm sure it's nothing, the Jeep probably broke again and his phone is probably dead." "Alright let me know."

With that they hung up and Scott looked up seeing everyone else's worried faces, "Come on guys I'm sure it's nothing. Let's just go look for him." Scott told the pack. Everyone nodded they're heads and went out to there vehicles heading different directions each in pairs. Derek and Peter, Scott and Isaac, Allison and Lydia, and Malia and Kira.

Scott and Isaac where driving down the road Stiles usually takes on his way home from the loft. "There!" Isaac says pointing to the Jeep in the middle of the road. They pull over next to the Jeep and get out of the car going over to the Jeep. "Looks like it been here a couple minutes judging by the cloud of smoke above." Isaac pointed out. Scott went to look inside the Jeep, seeing nothing he started looking around.

Scott started sniffing around trying to catch a scent. When he got one he started walking towards it. "Come on I think I caught his scent." After walking towards the scent and walking for about five minutes, they come to a stop. " What happened?" "I don't know it's like it just- it's like he just disappeared."

They call the rest of the pack to try and find another scent but no one smelled anything. After looking for another 20 minutes they called the sheriff to let him know. He immediately called out an APB for Stiles. The pack and the police department had started looking the very next day.

It had been about 5 months since they last saw Stiles and they had called of the man hunt seeing as the department need to focus on the crime in beacon hills. Scott could tell the pack was starting to lose hope. Every lead or clue they had ended up being a dead end.

"I know your losing hope on finding Stiles but he is a pack member and our friend and we do not give up on each other. He wouldn't give up on us, so we're not giving up on him." Scott said getting ready to look into another lead.

While his words were true, he would never give up looking, Scott couldn't help the feeling that they wouldn't find him anytime soon.

Stiles woke up in a white room that he had known all too well. His door opened revealing a girl with pale skin and dark black hair with beautiful blue eyes and a women with red hair dressed in white. "Hello Thomas." "Hello Ms. Paige." "Today is special day, day 1 of the Maze Trials." Ava said smiling at him.

"Come on Thomas we don't want to miss them going up." Teresa said holding her hand out for him. He grabbed it and they walked to the main lab where they look at the big screen seeing the first candidate, Alby, go up in the box. Once he was there and awake they all clapped and cheered knowing it had been a success.

It had been almost 2 and a half years since then and Thomas was starting to see the consequences to the maze trials he had helped create.

"I can't keep watching my friends die Teresa!" Thomas told Teresa in a hushed voice. They had planned on getting they're friends out and save them all but WCKD and Ava Paige had different plans.

They had learned about Thomas and Teresa's plan so they ordered guards to take them to the scientist's table, where they would be stripped of all memories (again) and brought up in the maze to participate in the trials.
The last thing they hear is Ava Paige.
"Everything is going to change."

Hope y'all like this chapter I tried making it pretty long but I'm pretty new to writing so I'm sorry if it's not that good.

Also if there are any grammar mistakes please let me know, I tend to not be able to spell even tho English is my first language. I'm just dumb ig.😅

But anyway thank you for reading and I'll see you next chapter!✌️

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