"Try me, you mother fu-" A round flew right past me and I ducked just in time to try to avoid it.

He missed the fifty cal thankfully so I popped back up and fired the rest of it into the hull.

"Eat it!" I shouted until I started to see smoke and didn't let up until it blew up in a fiery blaze.

The machine guns barrel was red hot and I returned it to pointing forward to allow it to cool off. I ducked back down into the tank and the girls all gave me a look as I reentered.

"Are you alright, K?" They all asked.

"Oh yeah! Totally! I love the fifty cal gun! That's why I had it fitted onto the Werewolf! I just... kind of got carried away a bit." I nervously laughed.

"You got that right." Sinon rolled her eyes.

"Wait... the Werewolf?" Kureha questioned.

"Yep! That's the name of this beast that we currently pilot, and it's got fierce talons as it's weaponry!" I explained excitedly.

"Seems like you're getting off on it most times." Sinon chuckled as she kept her vision ahead.

"Hey! I just love the way the gun sounds! Not to mention the kind of damage it does to others! Haha!" I was enthralled by it.

"You just... seem to really enjoy it." Kureha was kind of concerned.

"What, you want to try it? You can shoot some rounds into the air, if you'd like." I suggested and climbed down out of the way for her.

"Wait, really?" She wondered if it was okay.

"Yeah! Give it a try!" I encouraged positively.

Kureha hesitated, not really sure if she would go thru with trying gun.

"Go on, Kureha." Sinon encouraged as well.

"Huh?" She turned to Sinon who was driving the tank.

"You could use something to let loose with. Nows your chance!" She winked.

"Okay! I'll do it!" Kureha smiled and I gestured up to it.

She slowly climbed up the ladder to the mini seat and grabbed hold of the gun as she looked into the air. She randomly took aim and began to fire a whole bunch of rounds that shook the gun as well as her body. She looked almost like she was being electrified with the look on her face but her voice was wobbly and the rest of us had a laugh.

"Where exactly are we going, commander?" Violet asked.

"Right, we're going to conceal ourselves here amongst the trees and survey the main battle zone from there. Once we're in position, we'll be able to get a better read on what we're up against." I suggested as I displayed the map on my arm screen for everyone.

"So, a recon mission?" Sinon confirmed.

"For now. We'll loop around the back route if anything bad happens. If all else fails, lay waste to em' all." I smiled with a nod.

"Ooh rah." Violet agreed with that statement.

"I can get behind that. As long as I don't have to use the fifty cal gun." Kureha finally came back down.

"You don't have to. That'll be my job. As long as you pack Violet plenty full, we'll be ready for anything." I winked.

"Can you... be careful when you phrase it like-"

"Now then, you know where we're going. Full speed ahead!" I ordered over Kureha.

"Yes, sir!" The others complied.

The Crystal Swordsman: Alfheim's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now